
Additional Guidance for PDTS Owners in Preparing PDTS Instructor Candidates for Teaching Driver Education Behind-The-Wheel

As previously stated in "Suggested Guidance for Private Driver Training School Owners in the Preparation of Individuals Pursuing Licensure as a Private Driver Training School Instructor (PDF)"; the Pennsylvania Drivers Manual (PDF), the Pennsylvania Enhanced Driver Education Program Guide Module I, and Module II, and the Content and Performance Expectations for Driver Education (PDF) are intended to supplement not replace the training a Private Driver Training School (PDTS) behind-the-wheel instructor candidate should receive from the PDTS owner/director.

PDE recommends all PDTS owners and directors adhere to the national standards for instructor training outlined in the Novice Teen Dri​ver Education and Training Administrative Standards ​(NTSDETAS) (See Driver Education Instructor Preparation Program Attachments C and D of the NTSDETAS). These standards recommend an instructor candidate receive a minimum of 105 hours of training (e.g., worksite training, college coursework) in preparation for becoming a driving instructor. This publication is distrib​uted by the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and is shared in the interest of information exchange. PDE does not endorse products or manufacturers.

Instructor training should include at a minimum but not limited to the following:


  • Understanding of driver education curriculum. PDTS choice as to which driver education curriculum will be used at their school
  • Understanding of the Pennsylvania Performance Expectations for Driver Education.
  • Understanding of driver education best practices.
  • Understanding of the rules for safe driving
  • Understanding of Pennsylvania motor vehicle laws.
  • Understanding of natural laws that affect vehicle operator performance.
  • Driving environment.
  • Driver responsibilities.
  • Perception and driving strategies.


  • Teaching and learning theories.
  • Learning preferences.
  • Student-centered learning activities.
  • Establishing and maintaining rapport with students.
  • Characteristics of young learners.

Fundamental Concepts of Teaching:

  • Instructor qualities.
  • Characteristics of a quality instructor.
  • Teaching techniques.
  • Giving instruction/direction.
  • How to use the mirrors, rear view, and eye check.
  • Commentary teaching.
  • Taking control of the vehicle.
  • Proper utilization of the dual brake in the vehicle.

Lesson Plans and Route Plans:

  • Utilization of lesson plans and route plans.
  • How to construct lesson and route plans.
  • Benefits of lesson and route plans.
  • Off street/parking lot/driving range.
  • Residential driving.
  • Suburban/Urban/Business driving.
  • Open Highway/Rural driving.

Professional Accountability:

  • Educator Code of Conduct.

Vehicle Technology:

  • Identification of modern vehicle technologies.
  • Use of and teaching of modern vehicle technologies.

Assessment and Evaluation:

  • How to assess.
  • When to assess.
  • What to assess.
  • Debriefing with parent/guardian.​​