Nonpublic/Private Schools

​Private and Nonpublic School Enrollment

School personnel who have their security access from last year will be able to access PNPE with their User ID and Password through the MyPDESuite.​

School personnel who are new users must register a username, login to MyPDESuite and be given access to PNPE by the PNPE – Local Administrator or Local Security Administrator for their institution. Review How To Gain Access to PNPE (PDF).

PDE has been directed by the PA Office of Administration and PA Auditor General to implement updated security policies for all educational institutions that use PDE online systems. As a result, all local educational institutions must review and confirm their PDE system users each year.   

The PNPE – Local Administrator or Local Security Administrator for your institution should review your PNPE users annually and remove any users who no longer require access. Review How To Review PNPE Users (PDF).

Security Help and Support documents 

The PNPE Instruction Manual can be accessed through the Menu bar on the top of the screen;                                        

  1. Click Data and Statistics at the top of the screen
  2. Select Enrollment Reports and Projections
  3. See Private and Non-Public Enrollment (PNPE) Data Collection Procedures             

If you are unable to access PNPE, or if you are having technical difficulties, contact the PDE Help Desk by selecting:

  1. Contact Info at the bottom right of the screen
  2. Select Help & Support
  3. Submit Help Desk Support
  4. Fill out requested fields: (Category: Applications Type: PNPE Item:  Other)             

If you are unable to contact the PDE Help Desk through PDE's website, please contact by:                

  • Phone at:   717-857-3737

If you need information or assistance pertaining to your data, email your question to:

If you currently do not have access to email, call 717-783-9298. A staff member will direct your inquiry to the most appropriate person.

If you need information or assistance pertaining to school information, contact the private/nonpublic schools section by email at, or by phone at 717-783-9298.

If your school has closed, or for some other reason does not have enrollment to report, notify us immediately by completing and returning the Private & Nonpublic School Status Report, which is located in the upper right hand corner of the page under Resources.                                          

In addition to submitting your enrollment report, we also ask that you provide PDE with the current email address of the Chief School Administrator.  The email address will be kept confidential and will only be used to distribute vital information pertaining to enrollment, to provide emergency notifications, FBI background check information, grant announcements and/or any pertinent information that must be shared with nonpublic and private schools.  Please include the Chief School Administrator’s current email address.