It's On Us PA

It's On Us PA Grant Program Frequently Asked Questions

Program Application

Yes, past and current grant recipients are eligible to apply for the 2024-2025 program grant.

Yes. All applicants will be given equal consideration based on the rating criteria. 

 Yes, Private Licensed Schools are eligible to apply. 

​No. Grant funds paid to the postsecondary institution may not be used for direct salaries, fringe benefits, or operational rates. All budgets will be reviewed to evaluate appropriateness, value, and connection to proposed grant activities and goals. 

​Stipends are an eligible expense and will be reviewed for alignment, appropriateness, value, and connection to proposed grant activities and goals.

​Consulting fees are an eligible expense and will be reviewed for alignment, appropriateness, value, and connection to proposed grant activities and goals.

​No, grant funds paid to the postsecondary institution may not be used for direct salaries

​Incentives may represent an eligible expense and will be reviewed for alignment, appropriateness, value, and connection to proposed grant activities and goals. It is important that you explicitly delineate estimated expenses by type of incentive as part of your budget and budget narrative (i.e., identify what type of incentives are being proposed).

​Various incentives and supports for enriching curriculum/courses may represent eligible expenses and will be reviewed for alignment, appropriateness, value, and connection to proposed grant activities and goals. We do not recommend the use of the terms 'grant' or 'sub-grant' to characterize any incentive or support structure designed by your institution – through It's On Us PA Grant funds – to incentivize and support curriculum and course enrichment. Instead, try to use a term specific to the work being done; for example, "curriculum development". 

​Mileage and travel are eligible expenses and will be reviewed for alignment, appropriateness, value, and connection to proposed grant activities and goals.

​Food is an eligible expense and will be reviewed for alignment, appropriateness, value, and connection to proposed grant activities and goals.

All grant funds must be committed, and services performed by December 31, 2025.

​No. Applicants may not apply as a consortium of institutions. Each institution may submit only one proposal. 

Any such change that results in a difference in activity performance or cost incurred should be reported to the PDE Office of Postsecondary and Higher Education by sending an email to

All requests for changes to the approved 2024-2025 grant must be submitted to the Office of Postsecondary and Higher Education in writing no later than March 31, 2025. Program changes must be approved by OPHE or the grant will be rescinded.

​This will be dependent upon the agreement between the institution/school and the center. Depending on the range of services provided, a fee may be established and is an eligible expense for grant funds. 

Institutions may use the funds towards initiatives that demonstrate how the program builds upon and enhances initiatives implemented by the institution in previous years. All costs associated with the continuation of previous initiatives and programs must fall during the grant period (January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025). 

  1. The institution must provide links to or upload a copy of the institution's current sexual violence policy.
  2. Institutions that award associate degrees and higher must provide links to or upload a copy of the institution's anonymous reporting system.
  3. Institutions that award associate degrees and higher must provide links to or upload a copy of documented reporting.
  4. Institutions may upload signed letters of commitment and/or memorandum of understanding for each participating partner.

​No. Grant funds paid to the postsecondary institution may not be used for supplemental salaries for work completed in addition to regular job duties. All budgets will be reviewed to evaluate appropriateness, value, and connection to proposed grant activities and goals. 


​Please submit a request to

Please submit your application by October 28, 2024. Information can be found at It's On Us PA