As the fourth-largest state for poultry production, the combined value of Pennsylvania's poultry production from broilers, eggs, and turkeys in 2019 was $1.02 billion. That's an 11 % increase from 2010! Of the combined total, 39.7 % was from broiler production, 48.6 % from egg production, 11.6 % from turkey production, and less than 1 % from the sale of other chickens.  

In 2011, broiler production was valued at $406.1 million, up slightly from the previous year. A total of 155.6 million broilers were produced during the year.

Pennsylvania laying flocks produced 7.31 billion eggs in 2011. The total value of egg production in 2019 was $497 million, up 22% from the previous year. An average of 25.1 million hens in Commonwealth flocks laid an average of 291 eggs each during the year. Pennsylvania ranked third in egg production in 2011.


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