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Lead Information Line

Call 1-800-440-LEAD

Talk to a Specialist

For specific information about lead poisoning and related environmental health issues, call 1-800-440-LEAD. An information and referral specialist can answer your questions and provide needed guidance.  The specialist may also send you electronic resources or fact sheets for your own use or for people you work with.

Who May Call

Anyone who is concerned about lead and related issues may call, including parents, physicians, contractors, and property owners.

Topics People Have Called About

The Lead Information Line has helped callers by providing specific information and guidance on the following topics:

  • Preventing exposure to lead
  • What to do if you've already been exposed to lead
  • Getting lead paint hazards out of PA homes
  • Am I or is my loved one at risk for lead poisoning?
  • Lowering risks of exposure to lead and other environmental hazards
  • Where to find resources for inspection and removal of lead-based paint
  • Current consumer alerts regarding environmental health

Professionals have called about:

  • Current research on healthy homes from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • Current legislation, regulations, and policies related to healthy homes
  • Guidance when a child in their care has been exposed to lead

Young Children Are Most at Risk

Childhood lead poisoning at low levels may make learning difficult, interfere with growth, harm hearing and delay development. At high levels, lead may cause coma, convulsions and even death. The leading cause of lead poisoning is lead dust from lead-based paint, which was used in most homes until 1978. Children under age 6 are most at risk, because they put their hands and other things in their mouths.

It is recommended that any children under age 6 be tested for lead poisoning, using a simple blood test.  A health professional can work with you to lower or eliminate the long-term impact if your child has been exposed to lead.

Older Homes Often Contain Lead-Based Paint

If your home was built before 1978, it may have lead-based paint.  As this paint breaks down, it creates dust, which can be breathed in or touched.  It is important to have your home inspected for lead paint.  Most homes built before 1978 are subject to the Lead Disclosure Rule.  A lead-based paint inspection report must be disclosed if lead is present.

Contact Information:
Bureau of Family Health
625 Forster St.
7th Floor East
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0701