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Self-inflicted Injuries

Self-inflicted Injuries are damages occurring through the intentional act of harming oneself. Suicides are self-inflicted injuries that result in death.

Department of Health Data

See Deaths dataset.
County Injury Profiles
One-page profiles tabulating injury hospitalizations for a specific county (counts and charges only, no rates).
Maternal and Child Health Status Indicators
Reports focused on maternal and child health issues including deaths among children, infant deaths, child poverty, and birth data.
Death Statistics
A large volume of tables including statistics on a variety of death topics.
Pennsylvania Vital Statistics
An annual report of births, deaths, abortion, pregnancy, and population statistics.

External Data Sources

Suicide Prevention (CDC)

PAYSPI: PA Youth Suicide Prevention Initiative

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics (SAMHSA)

YRBSS: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (CDC)

WISQARS: Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (CDC)