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Traffic Accidents

Traffic Accidents are collisions of a motor vehicle with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, or a geographical or architectural object on a public roadway.

Department of Health Data

See Deaths dataset.
County Injury Profiles
One-page profiles tabulating injury hospitalizations for a specific county.
Maternal and Child Health Status Indicators
Reports focused on maternal and child health issues including deaths among children, infant deaths, child poverty, and birth data.
Death Statistics
A large volume of tables including statistics on a variety of death topics.
Pennsylvania Vital Statistics
An annual report of births, deaths, abortion, pregnancy, and population statistics.
Healthy People
A report that tracks the progress of public health objectives in meeting their goals by the end of the decade.

External Data Sources

Motor Vehicle Safety (CDC)

FARS: Fatality Analysis Reporting System (NHTSA)

Crash Facts and Statistics (PennDOT)