Links to health data:
Open Data Pennsylvania. Collection of data and reports from many state agencies and offices.
Health Statistics A to Z. Descriptions and links to data for a variety of public health topics.
Technical Assistance Links to guides for conducting and reporting a community health assessment.
Places (CDC) Health data for small areas across the country.
Important: Please note there is little reliable data for areas smaller than counties (for example, municipality, ZIP code, etc.). This is due to several factors:
- There is a lack of current and detailed population data for small areas.
- Databases used for state or regional statistics choose their sample size based on those larger areas. Statistics based on a smaller sample than planned would be unreliable.
- Health data often deals with rare events. In these cases, small areas do not have enough events for reliable statistics.
- Local, state, and national laws and regulations may not allow releasing any potentially identifiable data.
- Some databases do not contain information below the state or county level.