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The Department of Health, through the Bureau of Emergency Preparedness and Response, maintains an online Health Incident Management System (HIMS) to allow hospitals, long term care facilities, EMS agencies, health departments, and other partners in the Emergency Support Function 8 (ESF8) community to manage and share incident specific information. This platform has been adopted by the department and the regional Health Care Coalitions as the preferred platform to log incidents and provide notifications to key partners. The system also allows for the requesting and tracking of resources and patients during evacuations or Mass Casualty Incidents.

To access the commonwealth's HIMS platform, visit https://padoh-kc.org

For more information about the platform, or to register for access, please contact your Health Care Coalition (HCC) Regional Readiness Coordinator (for hospitals/long term care) or your EMS Preparedness Specialist (for EMS agencies), for the DOH – Public Health Preparedness Coordinator (PHPC) for the public health arena.

The Commonwealth's HIMS Platform is Changing

Updates on the transition of the Healthcare Information Management Software (HIMS) from Corvena to Juvare:

The Commonwealth recently finalized the updated contract for our HIMS Software with Juvare. The Pennsylvania-specific build of the Juvare system is underway within the PA DOH. The multidisciplinary Juvare work group has reconvened to support the process of the build and validation of system set up. Additionally, the workgroup will assist with finalizing a rough timeline for the rollout of the new system.

The build out will focus on the four Juvare platforms, in this order: EMResource, eICS, EMTrack, and EMSupply.

When the system setup and validation by the work group is complete, a timeline with training plan will be shared more widely.

Please contact your HCC Regional Readiness Coordinator with other questions; they will forward the questions to the Bureau of Emergency Preparedness and Response.

Transition Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is happening? Why is there a change?
A. Early in 2020, Juvare (a company that produces online incident management software) purchased Corvena (rebranding of the company Knowledge Center). Juvare conducted an assessment of the Corvena/Knowledge Center product to see if they would continue to support it, or if they would transfer clients to equivalent Juvare software. In early 2021, Juvare made the decision to transition their clients who are currently using the Corvena/Knowledge Center platform Juvare's EM Suite: eICS, EMTrack, EMResource, and EMSupply.

Q. What are these new platforms?
A. The Juvare systems are built in a modular basis, where Corvena/Knowledge Center was one platform. The components are eICS, which facilitates facility and multi facility incident command and incident response; EMTrack which facilitates patient tracking; and EMResource, which facilitates bed tracking and resource status management. Each component of the Juvare platform has a "single sign on" feature, so the interaction between the three components will be seamless to the end user.

Q. When is this transition occurring?
A. The transition to the new HIMS system (Juvare) is currently underway. There has been outreach made to all facilities that currently report COVID Essential Elements of Information (EEIs) to PADOH/Health and Humas Services via Corvena to begin this process. As EMResource is the target initial roll out as it related to federal capacity reporting, this group has been the current focus. If your facility has not yet received information related to accessing the new platform for training, please contact your HCC Regional Readiness Coordinator.

As the phased roll out continues, other stakeholders will be provided outreach to initiate access and training to the new platform.

Q. What input do facilities have into the rollout of the new system?
A. The department has convened an advisory board made up of large hospital networks, independent hospital facilities, Long Term Care facilities, EMS agencies, and county/municipal health department representatives. A list of advisory board members can be found below. If you or your organization have comments or feedback, please contact your discipline's representative or your Health Care Coalition chair, co-chair, or HCC Regional Readiness Coordinators.

Q. Where can I get log-in credentials or training on the new system?
A. As the rollout of the system continues, more information on access and training will be provided through this website and through your regional Health Care Coalition.

Q. What will happen to the data in Corvena?
A. Depending on how the Advisory Group and department choose to manage the transition, elements such as facility data, user data, etc. will transition over to the new platform. Incident data, logs, and other information will NOT transition over. However, Juvare will maintain this data for a determined period of time should facilities need to access records for documentation purposes. This process will be determined throughout the transition period.

Advisory Board Members

NameOrganizationHealth Care Coalition
Knox WalkUPMC Health SystemHCC of Southwest PA
Scott MickalonisPenn State HealthKeystone HCC
Jeremy ReeseGeisinger Health SystemCentral HCC
Rich KelleyMount Nittany Medical CenterKeystone
Matt ExleyEvangelical Community HospitalCentral HCC
Post Acute/Long Term Care
Curt FisherPresbyterian SeniorCare NetworkNorthern Tier HCC
Darren CornishNationwide Healthcare ServicesSoutheast HCC
Public Health
Fallon MaggioBucks County Health DepartmentSoutheast HCC
Raegan CamusoPADOH BEPR Public Health Liaison 
Anthony CarnevaleChester County Health DepartmentSoutheast HCC
Emergency Medical Services
Tom McElreeEMS West Regional CouncilHCC of Southwest PA
Harry MooreChester County EMSSoutheast HCC
Christopher ConfaloneEastern PA EMS CouncilNortheast HCC
State Medical Assistance Team (SMAT)  
Chris AndersonPA SMAT 
Jason BrownEM Program DirectorPHMC
Pamela DrakeEM Program Asst DirectorPHMC
Dave StofanakRegional ManagerNortheast HCC
Adam FrymoyerRegional ManagerKeystone HCC
Douglas WoRegional Readiness CoordinatorSoutheast HCC
Melinda CarbaughRegional Readiness CoordinatorNorthern Tier HCC
Shawn TobozRegional Readiness CoordinatorCentral Region HCC
Richard LippertRegional Readiness CoordinatorHCSWPA
Kiana StriefskyCoordinatorPHMC
Andy PickettPADOH BEPR Director 
Paul HoffmanPADOH BEPR Healthcare Preparedness Manager 
Aaron RhonePADOH BEMS –Director 
Jay TaylorPADOH BEMS Preparedness and Response Manager 
John LaumerPADOH BEPR – HCC Administrator 
Nate WardlePADOH BEPR – Special Response Manager 
Brian HollerPADOH BEPR – Regional Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager 
Gary KnoxPADOH BEPR – Public Health Preparedness Coordinator 
Claudia MadrigalPADOH BEPR -Workforce Development Manager 
Dr. Jeffery Miller CDC Career Field Officer Assigned to PADOH 


Page last updated 6/9/2022