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Important Notice

Sep 27, 2024 - Complete Facility Admin User Account Requests. If this is not done, no users will be able to be onboarded to your facility.

Oct 3, 2024 11:59 PM through Oct 7, 2024 7:00 AM - The DAVE Electronic Death Reporting System (EDRS) will be unavailable. 

Oct 3, 2024 5:00 PM through Oct 7, 2024 7:00 AM - The eVitals Birth reporting system will be unavailable.

Oct 7, 2024 7:00 AM - VRMS reporting will be live in eVitals for both birth and death.

Step 1 – Complete your facility registration. (REQUIRED) 

  1. See the eVitals Guide on Organization Registration for a Keystone ID Business Account for step-by-step instructions. Allow 1-3 business days for approval.
    If you encounter an error when registering your organization, it may mean that your organization is already registered.  Please email ra-dhevitalsfahelp@pa.gov for assistance and continue with the next task.
  2. Complete the eVitals Facility Registration Form. This form asks for points of contact who will be responsible for onboarding and managing all of your facility's birth and/or death users.

Step 2. Attend an eVitals Facility Administrator live webinar (REQUIRED Training for Facility or Deputy Facility Administrators).

Each organization must have a Facility Administrator and this person MUST be one of the contacts provided in Step 1.  If contacts for the facility need to be modified, an authorized person from your organization must submit the eVitals Facility Contact Update Form.

All new eVitals Facility Administrators and Deputy Facility Administrators are required to enroll in and complete eVitals Facility Administrator training before access to the system will be granted.

You need register for a TRAIN PA account in order to enroll in training. See Creating a TRAIN PA Account for assistance on setting up your account.

Once on TRAIN PA, register for the course titled “PA-BHSR: eVitals (Stakeholders) Facility Administrators Training.”

Step 3 – Attend an eVitals Birth Registration or Death Registration live webinar.

Death Reporting Users

Staff that has an official duty to report or manage the reporting of deaths are strongly encouraged to attend training on reporting a death events in Pennsylvania.  

You need register for a TRAIN PA account in order to enroll in training. See Creating a TRAIN PA Account for assistance on setting up your account.

PA-BHSR: eVitals (Stakeholders) Death Reporting for Funeral Homes  

PA-BHSR: eVitals (Stakeholders) Death Reporting for Medical Examiners/Coroners

PA-BHSR: eVitals (Stakeholders) Death Reporting for Medical Facility Users  

Birth Reporting Users

Staff that has an official duty to report or manage the reporting of live births must attend mandatory training on reporting a live birth in Pennsylvania.  

You need register for a TRAIN PA account in order to enroll in training. See Creating a TRAIN PA Account for assistance on setting up your account.

Take the 2-hour introductory course that best fits your work environment.  All users of eVitals are required to take this mandatory course before user credentials are issued.  The introductory course options are as follows:

Be sure to attend PA-BHSR: eVitals (Stakeholders) Specialized Birth Registrations, Birth Amendments, and System Reports.  This 1.5-hour course is strongly recommended.  Course content covers how to designate an Acknowledgement of Paternity, parent affidavit, or gestational carrier on your report of live birth; how to request an amendment to a birth record; and how to run reports in eVitals.

Step 4 – Register a Keystone ID with eVitals.

A Keystone ID is a universal ID issued by the Commonwealth that is used as your user credentials for multiple Commonwealth applications.

After you have completed the training requirements listed above, perform one of the following actions.

If you already have a Keystone ID, refer to the eVitals Guide for Business Partners – Register Your Existing Keystone ID to associate your Keystone ID with the eVitals application.

If you do not have a Keystone ID yet, refer to eVitals Guide for Business Partners – Register for a Keystone ID.  This guide will assist you in creating a Keystone ID and associating your Keystone ID with the eVitals application.

Step 5 – Request eVitals Access.

Once you have registered and received your Keystone ID you need to request access to eVitals.

Register for an eVitals account by following the instructions eVitals Guide for Business Partners – Request eVitals Access.

If you are requesting access as a Facility Administrator, DOH will confirm you are listed as a contact for your facility, confirm your training, and approve your access.

If you are requesting any other access, the Facility or Deputy Facility Administrator for your facility will approve your access.  If your request requires training, you must provide proof of training.  To access your proof of training, log in to TRAIN PA, navigate to the Your Certificates tab, download the appropriate training certificate(s), and provide to your Facility Administrator upon request.

Until your account is approved, your access in eVitals will be limited.