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My Facility Administrator Access is “Pending”.

  • Verify you have completed the Facility Administrator in Train PA. For us to approve access, you must have a training certificate in your name, matching your name in eVitals, for the “PA-BHSR: eVitals (Stakeholders) Facility Administrators Training”. 
  • Verify your facility registered with Keystone Key (aka “IDM”). All facilities that registered with IDM are listed here.
  • If your facility is not listed EXACTLY (must be an exact match) as shown, an authorized representative of the facility must complete the eVitals Facility Registration Form.
  • IMPORTANT: Your facility MUST be on this list! Even if you found it in eVitals already, if its not on this list that means it hasn’t been linked across through IDM properly and therefore is fully registered. YOUR FACILITY MUST BE REGISTERED!

My Facility is registered but I cannot find it in eVitals.

  • Use the wildcard search. In eVitals the wildcard is %. So to find ABC Funeral Home, INC you would want to search % ABC %, then search by ALL.
search for an evitals facility

I am the Facility Administrator. What do I need to complete?

Follow steps 2, 4, and 5 in the eVitals Sign Up | Department of Health | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. You must be the listed facility Administrator on the original facility onboarding form.

  • STEP 2: You must attend a required Attend an eVitals Facility Administrator live webinar
  • STEP 4: You must request a Keystone Key Business Partner ID (If you already have one, skip this task)
  • STEP 4: You must register you Keystone ID with eVitals
  • STEP 5: You must request eVitals access (STEP 5). VERY IMPORTANT: Request access as the FACILITY ADMINISTRATOR role.

I am a Facility Admin but I am unable to perform any other functions.

  • After you are approved as the Facility Administrator you still need to assign yourself the appropriate user roles (ex Coroner, Funeral Home Director, Medical Certifier, etc.)
  • You need to perform the following as per your Facility Administrator Training:
    • Login to eVitals and enter the facility you need additional permissions for. (If you only have one facility you will be on page with Preferred Queues).
    • Select hamburger menu toward top left.
    • Select Admin Tab.
    • Select Search Users.
    • Enter your last name.
    • From list find your (b-) user id and select Edit.
    • Go to Assign Roles Tab.
    • Select the role you need.
      • Reference guide for Facility Admins can be found by selecting the question mark in the upper right corner.  This will guide you to the role you should assign.

Where can I get online help?

For Facility Administrators:

We are holding Virtual Office Hours through Train PA. Register for the appropriate session.

For Users:

If have log-in questions, contact your facility administrator.

If you have case-level questions, refer to the user training guides in under the “Resources” tab on these Train PA courses:

eVitals Sign Up | Department of Health | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania