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PDMP Prescriber Requirements

Effective January 1, 2017, new legislative changes to the Pennsylvania Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PA PDMP) took effect, which impact both prescribers and dispensers.

Here is what you need to know:

  • Registration with the PA PDMP program is required for all prescribers and dispensers with active licensure in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If you have not already registered for a PA PDMP account, please register now.
  • Prescribers must query the PA PDMP each time a patient is prescribed an opioid drug product or benzodiazepine by the prescriber. Prescribers must also query the PA PDMP:
    • For each patient the first time the patient is prescribed a controlled substance by the prescriber for purposes of establishing a baseline and a thorough medical record; or
    • If a prescriber believes or has reason to believe, using sound clinical judgment, that a patient may be abusing or diverting drugs.
  • Dispensing prescribers or pharmacies must submit data to the PA PDMP no later than the close of the subsequent business day (Monday through Friday) after dispensing the controlled substance.

    To view the LogiCoy PDMP data submission guide: Log into the PA PDMP website and select “Guides” at the bottom of the page.

For more information on current legislation, please review our Prescriber Q&A.

If I haven't yet registered, how do I do so?

Registration for the PA PDMP is a straightforward process. You can also grant access to delegates employed by you or under your supervision to check the system on your behalf. To learn more about who can be your delegate, please review the “Delegate Access” section on the Tutorials & Policies page.

Dispensing Practitioners

Dispensing practitioners are required to report Schedule II-V controlled substances they dispense to patients by the close of the subsequent business day after dispensing. A Dispensing Practitioner is a medical practitioner that stocks controlled substances and distributes the medication directly to a patient, who then leaves the facility and is responsible for administering the medication to themselves. If you are a dispensing practitioner, please visit the dispenser information page for instructions on how to report dispensation data to the PDMP.