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Community-Based Health Care Program (CBHCP)

The Community-Based Health Care Program was established with Act 10 of 2013.  The program will work to provide funding to community-based health care clinics to:

  • Expand and improve health care access and services such as preventive care, chronic care, disease management, maternal and newborn care, dental treatment, behavioral health and pharmacy services;
  • Reduce unnecessary use of hospital emergency services by providing an effective alternative health care delivery system; and
  • Encourage collaborative relationships among community-based health care clinics, hospitals and other health care providers.

The Department of Health asks for program applications once every two years for grant funding in the following categories:

  • Grant Category 1:  The development of a new community-based health care clinic.
  • Grant Category 2:   The expansion or improvement of the delivery of primary health services at an existing community-based health care clinic.   
  • Grant Category 3:  The addition, expansion or improvement of the delivery of prenatal, obstetric, postpartum and newborn care services at an existing community-based health care clinic.  
  • Grant Category 4:  The development of alternate health care delivery systems administered by community-based health care clinics to improve the delivery of services and access to reduce hospital emergency room use.  
  • Grant Category 5:  The implementation of collaborative relationships among community-based health care clinics, hospitals and other health care providers. 

Reports and Additional Information

Contact Us

Community Based Health Care Program
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Primary Care Office
Room 1031, Health and Welfare Building
625 Forster Street
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120-0701
Phone:  717-772-5298