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The Governor Robert P. Casey Memorial Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Trust Fund

All programs and activities conducted by agencies and organizations specified in Act 102 are funded solely by the resources available in the Trust Fund. All money in the Trust Fund is voluntarily donated by Pennsylvanians.

How to Donate

  • Use the online donation form to make a Trust Fund donation.
  • Make a three-dollar donation to the Trust Fund when obtaining or renewing a Driver's License, Photo ID Card and Vehicle Registration.
  • Make a donation on the state income tax form by designating all or part of your refund to the Trust.
  • Make a donation by check. Checks are payable to the Governor Robert P. Casey Memorial Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Trust Fund. Please send to:
  • Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Bureau of Health Promotion and Risk Reduction
    625 Forster Street
    Room 1000, Health and Welfare Building
    Harrisburg, PA 17120

Organ Donation Grief Counseling Program

The Pennsylvania Department of Health has partnered with Gift of Life Donor Program (GLDP) and Center for Organ Recovery and Education (CORE) to provide grief counseling to families of deceased organ donors in Pennsylvania. This program is funded through the Governor Robert P. Casey Memorial Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Trust Fund and will allow eligible family members to receive up to eight sessions of grief counseling at no cost.

For more information, contact the Organ and Tissue Donation Program at 717-787-5876 or RA-DHOrganDonation@pa.gov.