Adverse Childhood Experiences. View the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) 2021 report.
Adult Protective Services (Act 70 of 2010) pertains to adults ages 18 - 59 with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. School nurses and other school medical personnel meet the requirements of a mandated reporter. Other school personnel are voluntary reporters.
Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting (Act 126 of 2012) requires that all school entities (a public school, charter school, cyber charter school, private school, nonpublic school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school) and independent contractors of school entities provide child abuse recognition and reporting training to all employees, including contracted substitute teachers who have direct contact with children. This Act requires schools to provide training to all employees who have direct contact with children. this training shall consist of a minimum of three hours every five years. professional employees requiring continuing education shall receive credit hours toward this requirement.
Child Abuse Education and Training (Act 31 of 2014). All professional licensees identified as mandated reporters are required to have completed child abuse recognition training. Three hours are required for initial licensing and two hours for each licensure cycle (every two years).
The following people are required to participate in child abuse training:
- New employees having direct contact with children in child-serving institutions, facilities, or agencies that DHS licenses, approved or registers and new foster parents must receive three hours of training within 90 days of hire or approval, and three hours of training every five years thereafter.
- Prospective operators of child-serving institutions, facilities, agencies, or family day care homes that DHS licenses, approved, or registers must receive three hours of training prior to the issuance of a license, approval or registration certificate, and three hours of training every five years thereafter.
Licensure Renewals
There are two options for licensure renewal:
- Complete an approved training course within the 2 year licensure period.
- Complete the request for exemption form. Under "Reason for Requesting Exemption", choose the first option, that training was completed as required by the Public School Code of 1949. Return the exemption form and documentation of proof of the training to the Department of State address or fax to the number at the top of the form.
Approval of exemption requests is at the discretion of the Department of State. Any questions regarding this process should be directed to 717-787-8503.
Abuse should be reported to PA Childline at 1-800-932-0313
Training for Mandated Reporters
View a list of approved child abuse courses.
- The Pa Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN) program offers a free three-hour live training for school nurses titled "Recognizing and Responding to Children at Risk". This training offers Act 48/58 credits for nurses and is an approved Act 126 and Act 31 course. It is presented on-site by a physician and a local Children & Youth worker. It takes an in-depth view of Pennsylvania law, risk factors, abusive vs. accidental injuries, the implications of truancy, reporting procedures and what to expect after a report is made.
- This course is for school nurses only and can be scheduled for district in-service days and conferences. Each participant receives a Child Abuse Office Kit including tip sheets on planning ahead, making a report, handling angry parents and establishing a district-wide protocol.
- Please go to to submit your presentation request. Any questions can be directed to Teresa Olsen, Program Director at the PA Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics at
- The University of Pittsburgh's Child Welfare Resource Center has developed a free web-based training that is in accordance with Act 126 of 2012 and Act 31 of 2014. The state licensing Boards will be notified upon the successful completion of the course.
- Additional information on child abuse and trainings can be accessed at
- Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance provides training to school personnel, child care staff, clergy, law enforcement, public and private social service agencies, and social service professionals.
- To locate County Children and Youth Agencies choose "County Children and Youth Agencies" from the drop down menu and enter the zip code.
- Veto Violence (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
NOTE: This webpage contains resources, including links to websites created by outside organizations. These resources are provided for convenience and do not constitute an endorsement by the Pennsylvania Department of Health of any viewpoints, products, or services offered or expressed within.