About Us

Executive Order (2012-03), signed by Governor Tom Corbett on February 22, 2012, established the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security.

OHS structure and mission

The Governor’s Office of Homeland Security (OHS), located at the Pennsylvania State Police Department Headquarters in Harrisburg, consists of the Homeland Security Director and staff. They carry out the Commonwealth security functions following the procedures of the Governor’s Office of Administration.

OHS coordinates homeland security activities by working with our federal agencies, regional task forces, local governments, and the private sector. The office works to secure the Commonwealth against acts of terrorism by:

  • Coordinating with private and public sector entities to prevent, protect, and mitigate against acts of terrorism
  • Developing and revising the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security's Strategic plan
  • Identifying and reducing the vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure and key resources through a unified outreach campaign
  • Collaborating with the All-Hazards Fusion Center, the Pennsylvania Criminal Intelligence Center (PaCIC), and other recognized regional fusion centers

Internship opportunities

College students majoring in criminal justice fields can apply for the Pennsylvania Criminal Intelligence Center (PaCIC) and Homeland Security Internship Program. Students studying other disciplines can explore other internships with PSP.

Right-to-know (RTK) requests

Learn about RTK requests for OHS.