Evaluating Performance
Employee performance reviews are the mechanism used in the commonwealth to assess performance of most employees. Select groups of employees have unique performance evaluation systems.
Developing Employee Skills
HR professionals can help employees gain skills they may need to grow in their current or future positions by facilitating their participation in OA programs including:
- Training courses in the Commonwealth University (CU) Course Catalog
Information about these programs is available in the Employee Resource Center.
Managing Performance
HR professionals help supervisors manage performance. They assist when employees who are not performing their work in a satisfactory way may be subject to discipline.
Recognition acknowledges great results and encourages positive performance. Management Directive 505.23 Employee Recognition Programs provides policy and guidelines for agency recognition programs. Agencies are encouraged to develop an agency recognition program that acknowledges employee accomplishments in a variety of areas, such as outstanding performance, retirement, longevity, and judicious use of leave. Some low and no cost ideas for employee recognition are available for your reference.
Performance Management Resources
In addition to training made available to HR professionals and supervisors through the Commonwealth University (CU), the following tools are provided to help HR professionals understand performance management and advise supervisors:
Contact Us
The OA-Talent Development is available to assist with employee training development and can be contacted at 717.787.3813.