Program Requirements Guide: All agency workplace safety and health programs must include 15 mandatory program elements. This guide explains all 15 mandatory program elements (A through O) in detail.
Agency Workplace Safety and Health Manual: contains template policies, procedures, and forms to help agencies address each mandatory program element.
Agencies must include protocols in their safety and health programs if they have exposure to specific hazards. Each protocol must be reviewed to determine whether it applies or not. If applicable, the following guides detail the minimum requirements to address and develop the programs. The P Element Overview provides an explanation of the use of the protocol requirement guides.
- Protocol 1: Electrical and Machine Safeguarding
- Protocol 2: Personal Protective Equipment
- Protocol 3: Hearing Conservation
- Protocol 4: Sight Conservation
- Protocol 5: Lockout/Tagout Procedures
- Protocol 6: Hazardous Material Handling, Storage and Disposal Procedure
- Protocol 7: Confined Space Entry Procedure
- Protocol 8: Fire Prevention and Control Practices
- Protocol 9: Substance Abuse Awareness and Prevention Policies/Programs
- Protocol 10: Control of Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
- Protocol 11: Pre-Operational Process Review
- Protocol 12: Other Protocols
- Protocol 12: Other Protocols: Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention Program Template Manual
- Protocol 12: Other Protocols: Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention Program Requirements Guide
- 205.38 Emergency Evacuation and Safe Assembly
- 205.41 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Continuity of Operations (COOP) Program
- 505.25 Substance Abuse in the Workplace
- 505.26 HIV AIDS and Other Bloodborne Infections Diseases in the Workplace
- 505.27 The Worker and Community Right to Know Act (P.L. 734, No. 159)
- 505.33 Amended Working From Home During Emergencies Including a Pandemic Influenza Event
- 505.7 Personnel Rules
- 530.31 Workplace Safety and Health Program
- 615.3 - Commonwealth Fleet Procedures Manual
- 625.4 Enforcement of Fire and Panic Regulations
- 625.10 Amended Card Reader and Emergency Response Access to Certain Capitol Complex Buildings and Other State Office Buildings
- 720.5 Energy Conservation and Electrical Devices in Commonwealth-Owned or Leased Buildings
- 720.6 Call Trace Procedures for Threatening, Harassing, and Nuisance Telephone Calls
- 720.7 Bomb Threats and Suspicious Packages