Pennsylvania Justice Network

Pennsylvania Justice Network

The Pennsylvania Justice Network (JNET) serves as the Commonwealth's primary public safety and criminal justice information broker. JNET's integrated justice portal provides a unified online platform for authorized users to access crucial public safety and criminal justice information from various municipal, county, state, and federal agencies. This one-time data entry system enhances the effectiveness of participating agencies and significantly improves data accuracy across the Commonwealth's criminal justice system. Information entered into a records management system at the start of an investigation can now seamlessly follow the offender throughout their criminal justice journey. As offenders progress from initial contact to post-sentencing supervision, their information moves fluidly within the system, ensuring continuity and accuracy.  

JNET's secure portal offers Pennsylvania's criminal justice professionals, as well as federal and state agencies and municipal police departments, the ability to conduct investigations securely in a web-based environment. With appropriate security credentials and authority, users can access information instantly, eliminating the delays associated with traditional paper-based and manual processes.

The following agencies and business partners make their information available to our users. The agencies own and maintain their own data and information. They also decide which users will be allowed to view their information using JNET. 

  • Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC)
  • Commonwealth Law Enforcement Assistance Network (CLEAN)
  • Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole (PBPP)
  • Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD)
  • Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing (PCS)
  • Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (DOC)
  • Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH)
  • Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry (DLI)
  • Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS)
  • Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT)
  • Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Judges Commission (JCJC)
  • Pennsylvania State Police (PSP)*
  • Various County adult probation records management systems
  • Various County prison records management systems

*Pennsylvania State Police includes information from the Interstate Identification Index (III), Interstate Photo Imaging Network (IPIN), National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS)

JNET is utilized by law enforcement and public safety officials at the federal, state, and local levels in Pennsylvania. Typical users include municipal and state police, probation officers, corrections personnel, court officials, the Office of the Attorney General, 911 and booking centers, district attorneys, as well as agencies dealing with children, youth, and domestic relations.