Pesticide Programs

School Pesticide Notifications

All Pennsylvania schools must notify students, parents, and staff when pesticides are used on school grounds.

In Pennsylvania, schools must follow rules about using pesticides. Here’s what needs to happen:

Before Using Pesticides

  • The pesticide applicator must give the school a sheet with details about the treatment, including the date, the applicator’s contact information, and the pesticide used.

  • The applicator must also provide a large pest control sign.

School Responsibilities

  • Post the Sign: Put the pest control sign in a visible place at least 3 days before and 2 days after the treatment.

  • Inform Staff: Give a copy of the information sheet to everyone working at the school at least 3 days before the treatment.

  • Notify Parents: Send a notice to parents or guardians at least 3 days before the treatment. This can be done through regular school communication or to those who requested notifications.

  • Timing Rules: Do not apply pesticides inside the school or on grounds where students will be within 7 hours unless it’s an emergency. In emergencies, notify parents by phone.

  • Record Keeping: Keep detailed records of all pesticide treatments for at least 3 years.

Contact Us

Cathy Thomas
IPM Coordinator
Integrated Pest Management
School IPM
Greenhouse, Vegetable IPM
(717) 772-5204

Additional Resources