Interstate 70 Electric Facilities Installation Scheduled Next Week in Washington County

Uniontown, PA – Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) District 12 is announcing the installation of electric facilities on Interstate 70 in Donegal Township, Washington County.

There will be a rolling slow down and stoppage in both directions on I-70, beginning westbound at milepost 11 and eastbound at Exit 5 Ramp B (Elm Grove exit) in West Virginia. They are anticipated for Sunday, August 27 from 8:00 to 8:30 AM.

The traffic impact will allow crews from Poleset, Inc. to pull cables across four lanes of highway to install above ground electric facilities.

PennDOT is not involved in this work and is providing this information as a public service announcement only.[AL2] 

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Contact:  Laina Aquiline, or 724.415.3748 

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