Public Private Partnerships

PennDOT operates one of the most ambitious and comprehensive public-private partnership (P3) programs in the nation. The featured projects bring value to Pennsylvania by significantly reducing poor condition bridges, supporting motorist safety, enhancing mass transit and rail service, and in some cases, generating new revenue to support future investment.

Planning work and federal environmental reviews has resumed for six bridge replacement projects proposed as part of the Major Bridge Public-Private Partnership (MBP3)

The Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Stations (CNG) project provides cleaner fuel to transit agencies and includes access for private sector fleets at select locations.

bridge Rapid Bridge Replacement

The Rapid Bridge Replacement Project is the largest bundled bridge project in Pennsylvania history, replacing 558 poor condition bridges.



Project Pages

Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Stations
Major Bridge P3
Rapid Bridge Replacement Project

​Mission Statement

Working closely with stakeholders and industry partners, the Pennsylvania Transportation P3 Office develops innovative project delivery and financing models for a wide array of initiatives that are designed to strengthen our transportation network, improve motorist safety, accelerate the delivery of major transportation projects, and generate revenue for the Commonwealth.


p3 logo

Doing Business​

Beyond supporting project deployment, the P3 Office is reaching out to stakeholders to increase awareness and encourage new proposals for P3 projects.

Board Meetings

Unsolicited Proposals


Michael Bonini

Public-Private Partnerships Office
P.O. Box 3643
Harrisburg, PA 17120

what is a p3