



Public Involvement

Who's Involved?

A Planning and Environmental Linkage (PEL) Study is a U.S. Department of Transportation tool used during the planning process to identify transportation issues and develop potential solutions for corridors and large geographic areas. The PEL Study will evaluate traffic operations, safety, and engineering criteria to aid in the development of transportation solutions. Transportation solution benefits and impacts on the environment, local community, and economy will be assessed during the PEL Study. The PEL Study will identify transportation projects that FHWA and PennDOT can advance into preliminary engineering and environmental documentation.

FHWA, PennDOT District 2, PennDOT Central Office, the design management team, and the consultant team comprise the PEL Study team. Additionally, while not a member of the study team, the Centre County MPO will serve as a resource to share valuable information about the region with the study team. Click on the heading of each team to read more about the specific roles of the member.

  • In cooperation with the FHWA, PennDOT District 2 is responsible for reviewing and approving materials developed by the consultant team for agency and public involvement, environmental study, engineering design, and traffic analysis activities.
  • To support the management of the project and review of materials, a design management team is comprised of consultants led by Michael Baker International.
  • JMT Inc. leads the consultant team that conducts environmental investigations and engineering studies.

For the PEL Study, the study area covers approximately 70 square miles of southern Centre County, incorporating portions of Potter, Spring, Harris, College, and Benner townships, and Centre Hall Borough. The specific limits of the study area will be refined as the environmental review process advances. The final PEL study area, and any subsequent preliminary engineering/environmental documentation study areas, will be defined based on various factors. These factors include project needs, logical project termini, range of alternatives, environmental impacts, potential mitigation, and project costs. ​

​While the PEL study area overlaps with past efforts, this PEL Study is being advanced as an independent study based on today's transportation needs, engineering design standards, and environmental considerations. Previous work efforts may be considered during this study but will be reassessed based on these factors.

The PEL Study will consider a variety of travel options including motorized and non-motorized modes of travel to address area transportation issues. These options could include upgrading existing facilities, adding new facilities, the consideration of transit solutions, or bicycle and pedestrian improvements.

​The PEL Study is anticipated to take approximately two years to complete. The preliminary engineering (PE)/ environmental studies phase for any project that would be advanced from the PEL Study could extend an additional two years depending on a project's complexity.

No specific alternatives have been developed at this time. The PEL process is the first step in identifying potential alternatives for transportation projects. Specifically, the PEL Study will identify transportation solutions that consider traffic operations, safety, and engineering design requirements while determining potential benefits and impacts to the environment, community, and the economy. Results from the PEL Study could move forward into preliminary engineering (PE)/environmental studies as individual projects depending on size, location, and scope.

The PEL Study and preliminary engineering phase were funded under the 2019-2022 Centre County Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).  Additional preliminary engineering (PE) funding, as well as Final Design funding, is included in the 2021-2024 TIP. Funding for subsequent phases including right-of-way and construction will be determined after the preliminary engineering (PE)/environmental study phase is complete.

At this time, no properties have been identified for acquisition. Should a property be required for any transportation project, PennDOT would contact individual property owners directly following the preliminary engineering (PE)/environmental study phase of the project and during the final design stage of the project. For more information on the right-of-way acquisition process, please review the department's "When Your Land Is Needed for Transportation Purposes" publication (PDF).

​Public input is vital to the success of any transportation improvement project. To provide comments or information on this study, visit the Get Involved section of this website or visit the Outreach Calendar to see any scheduled events for the PEL Study.

Visit the Get Involved or Contact section of this website to provide your contact information to receive notices and alerts.

PennDOT, in cooperation with FHWA, will provide direction on all aspects of the PEL Study (environmental, public and agency, engineering design, and traffic analysis). Based on the PEL Study results, they will identify projects and alternatives to advance for preliminary engineering and environmental analysis. PennDOT, in cooperation with FHWA, will approve the PEL Study and any alternative recommendations as well as final decisions regarding advancing and prioritizing transportation projects for further development.

FHWA, in cooperation with PennDOT, will provide direction on all aspects of the study (environmental, public and agency involvement, engineering design, and traffic analysis). Based on the PEL Study results, they will identify projects and alternatives to advance for preliminary engineering and environmental analysis. FHWA will lead coordination efforts with state and federal agencies. They will also approve the PEL Study for future NEPA investigations.

The design management team is comprised of multiple consulting firms being led by Michael Baker International Inc. The other firms include KCI Technologies Inc., Lotus Environmental Consulting LLC, Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, and American Engineers Group LLC. Each of these firms bring engineering and environmental technical expertise to support PennDOT in the review and oversight of the PEL Study. Their responsibilities include:

  • Perform duties as an extension of PennDOT staff.
  • Support PennDOT with agency and public outreach efforts.
  • Review and provide comments to the consultant team on all project materials.
  • Support the consultant team through attending meetings and presenting study information, as appropriate.

The consultant team is comprised of multiple consulting firms being led by Johnson, Mirmiran and Thompson Inc. Other consultant team members include American Geotechnical & Environmental Services Inc.; Drive Engineering Corp.; Erdman, Anthony, Associates Inc.; Larson Design Group Inc.; Quest Corporation of America Inc.; Skelly and Loy Inc.; and Susquehanna Civil Inc.

The consultant team is responsible for leading technical study efforts including agency coordination, public outreach, traffic analysis, engineering design, and investigations into socio-economic studies, and natural and cultural resources. Their efforts specifically will entail field investigations, resource documentation, traffic counting and simulation, alternative development, alternative impact assessment, report development, and public outreach and engagement.

  • Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
  • United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
  • United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
  • United States Coast Guard (USCG)
  • United State National Park Service (NPS)
  • Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP)
  • Centre County Conservation District (CCCD)
  • Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PA FBC)
  • Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC)
  • Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office (PA SHPO)
  • Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (PA DCNR)
  • Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC)
  • Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA)
  • Pennsylvania Federally Recognized Tribes (Centre County Area)
    • Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma
    • Delaware Nation
    • Eastern Shawnee
    • Oneida Nation
    • Seneca Nation of Indians
    • Seneca-Cayuga Tribe
    • Shawnee Tribe
    • Delaware Tribe of Indians