Castor & Wyoming Avenue Roundabout​​​

castor ave project location

Project Overview

County: Philadelphia

State Route(s): Route 1005

Local Name(s): Wyoming Avenue, Castor Avenue

​Project Type: Roundabout Construction

The project involves the reconstruction of the intersection of Castor Avenue (Route 1005) and Wyoming Avenue in the City of Philadelphia, PA to an improved roundabout. This includes retrofitting the approach geometry and narrowing the circulatory roadway to slow the speeds of vehicles navigating the roundabout. Sidewalks and crossings will be upgraded for ADA compliance and bicycle ramps will also be installed to allow cyclists to navigate the roundabout as pedestrians. In addition, the existing mid-block crosswalk on Wyoming Avenue at the Temple OB/GYN facility will be raised, and an accessible pedestrian signal will be installed. This will allow pedestrians to activate the flasher when crossing.

The project is anticipated to be completed under staged construction, maintaining traffic through the roundabout.​


The project documents will be available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please feel free to contact the PennDOT Project Manager.