Project Overview
County: Philadelphia
State Route(s): Route 3015
Local Name(s): Cobbs Creek Parkway and 63rd Street
Project Type: Safety Improvement
The Cobbs Creek Parkway and 63rd Street Safety Improvements Project Phase 1 (Project) in the City of Philadelphia includes safety improvements along Cobbs Creek Parkway and 63rd Street, State Route 3015, between Chestnut Street and 67th Street. The proposed Project elements include:
- Restriping the pavement lanes on Cobbs Creek Parkway to reallocate the existing four-lane to a three-lane roadway with median islands and/or curb bump-outs on segments of 63rd Street from Chestnut Street to Spruce Street:
- Cobbs Creek Parkway southbound will be restriped to add a left turn lane.
- A median island will be constructed from Chestnut Street to the south 50 feet past Sansom Street.
- Full modernization and installation of traffic signal equipment at 21 intersections, including but not limited to signal supports, signal heads, pedestrian countdown signal heads, retroreflective backplates, ground-mounted signal controller cabinets, timing/phasing improvements, and signing. (See detailed project description)
- Construction of enhanced crosswalks, rectangular rapid flashing beacons, signing, curb extensions, and pavement marking upgrades.
- Construction of curb bump-outs and curb extensions along Cobbs Creek Parkway.
- Construction of ADA ramps.
For a detailed scope description at each Project location, please refer to the Detailed Project Description.
The Project will take place within existing Right-of-way and existing previously disturbed roadway and sidewalk areas. Temporary Construction Easements will not be required for this project. The Project may use a combination of Federal, State, and Local funds.
Contact Information
The project documents will be available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services, have special needs, or have concerns that require individual attention, please feel free to contact the PennDOT Project Manager.