District 6 Projects

​​DeKalb Street Improvement Project

Project Overview

County: Montgomery
State Route(s): U.S. 202
Local Name(s): DeKalb Street
Project Type: Corridor Improvement

In conjunction with the Municipality of Norristown, the Department will be advancing the design of this project to implement bi-directional traffic along DeKalb Street.  The limits of the project along DeKalb Street are between Lafayette Street and Johnson Highway.  The purpose of the project is to improve connectivity within the transportation network, reduce speeding, and enhance pedestrian safety. The design will include both preliminary engineering and final design efforts needed for the improvement of this 1.5-mile portion of U.S. 202. 

Pedestrian safety improvements and traffic calming measures will be part of this project. Improvements will include evaluation and modification of intersection control within the limits of the project. 

Presently DeKalb Street (U.S. 202) provides two lanes of one-way traffic in the northbound direction through most of the project area.  The Municipality of Norristown completed a Traffic Feasibility study for the operational change in 2011.


The project documents will be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation and/or interpretation services, have special needs or concerns that require individual attention, contact the PennDOT Project Manager.