Project Overview
County: Delaware
State Route: SR 1001
Local Name: Haverford Road
Project Type: Highway Safety Improvement Project
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) held a virtual public meeting on Thursday, January 19, for the project to improve Haverford Road in Haverford Township, Delaware County.
The project involves the implementation of a partial road diet on Haverford Road from Landover / County Line Road to Karakung Drive to improve safety. The proposed road diet will reduce the number of travel lanes to one lane in the northbound direction for the length of the corridor and one lane in the southbound direction for some sections of the corridor and will provide a center two-way left turn lane. This will allow exclusive left turn lanes to be provided on the Haverford Road approaches of the eight signalized intersections in the project corridor.
The partial road diet will be accomplished by repaving the roadway and modifying the pavement markings within the existing curb lines on Haverford Road.
The existing traffic signals at the eight signalized intersections in the project corridor will be upgraded to accommodate the new lane configuration. The ADA curb ramp and pedestrian facilities along the corridor will also be evaluated and updated, as necessary, to meet current ADA standards.
Construction bids on this project are expected to open in January 2025.
Members of the public who were unable to attend can view a recording of the meeting and a copy of the materials here.
Project Public Meeting Presentation Recording
The project documents will be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation or interpretation services or have special needs or have special concerns that require individual attention, contact the PennDOT Project Manager.