Traditional Construction Funding
This category is the primary funding category used to support most PENNVEST project investments. This is available for all types of projects that demonstrate a water quality benefit with the exception of those projects that fall under the PENNVEST Homeowner Septic Program.
Credit Enhancement Assistance (CEA)
Through the CEA, recipients are eligible to accept bond and/or loan guarantees for the repayment of third-party loans, bond issues or other types of financing that qualified applicants may incur to finance eligible project costs. Each deal will be specific to the project sponsor and other funding, but the term of the bond or loan guarantee will typically be 20 years from the day the guarantee goes into effect. To find out more about CEA and how it may help your proposed project, contact your regional project specialist.
Advance Funding Program
PENNVEST financing is typically based on a reimbursement model. We realize, in some circumstances, entities may need to access funds for pre-planning activities such as feasibility studies, feasibility reports, preliminary design, and preliminary engineering costs so created this program for municipal start-up systems and entities within Environmental Justice areas to aid in pre-planning efforts.
Homeowner Sewage Program
PENNVEST, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, provides low-cost financing to improve, replace, or repair individual on-lot sewage disposal systems or to connect, for the first time, to public sewer to meet public health and environmental safety standards.
Programmatic Financing (Pro-Fi)
Pro-Fi is an innovative financing vehicle that better aligns PENNVEST funding with a utility’s annual, or multi-year, planning model. Through this program, funding is applied to a Capital Improvement Plan (entirely or in part) for a group of drinking water or wastewater projects.
Small Projects Program
This program allows for an expedited funding process for projects requesting up to $500,000, serving a population of 12,000 people or fewer, and having no more than 1,000 hookups. Agriculture projects of up to $500,000 may also utilize this program.