Programmatic Financing (Pro-Fi) Program

Pro-Fi is an innovative financing vehicle that better aligns PENNVEST funding with a utility’s annual, or multi-year, planning model.  Pro-Fi provides a multi-year funding commitment for a scope of projects, as part of a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) (entirely or in part), to be carried out in phases over multiple years.

Funding Availability

The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) suppports wastewater, stormwater, and non-point source Pro-Fi projects. The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) supports drinking water Pro-Fi projects.



Eligible Applicants

Utilities, counties, councils of government, municipal authorities, or other regional entities, and other private entities are eliglible applicants for funding under the Pro-Fi program.



Eligible Projects

  • Construction, expansion, or repair of municipal wastewater collection, treatment, or disposal facilities.
  • Supply, treatment, storage, or distribution of drinking water.
  • Control of stormwater, which may include, the transport, storage and infiltration of stormwater, or costs for the best management practices to address point or non-point source pollution associated with stormwater runoff, or other innovative techniques identified in the county-prepared watershed plan under the Storm Water Management Act.
  • Control of non-point sources of pollution, including conservation easements and other types of restoration projects for wetlands, streambanks and watersheds.
  • Creation of green infrastructure projects.



Loan Interest Rates and Financing Terms

Pro-Fi funding awards are all in the form of a loan at county cap rates with a 20–year repayment term.  Pro-Fi projects are not eligible for grant or principal forgiveness awards.  If an applicant wants to be considered for a grant, principal forgiveness, and/or an extended term, they must submit an application under the traditional PENNVEST funding program.

Detailed terms and conditions for individual approved funding awards will be set forth in the official PENNVEST funding offer provided to the funding applicant.



Application Procedure

All applications shall be submitted through the PV Portal and processed through traditional workflows. 

Additionally, the following will apply:

  • PENNVEST, DEP, and DCED will rank all applications on the entire scope of the program that includes all project phases included in the application.
  • Environmental Assessments may be completed by each phase when applicable.  All permits and environmental clearances need to be done for the first phase to be considered by the Board.
  • Funding requests should fall within a 3-year time period of a CIP and should contain the total dollar amount requested, the maximum dollar value per year, and the number of years the request covers.  
    • Example 1: $150M over 3 years with a maximum of $50M per year.
    • Example 2:  $100M over 3 years with $50M year 1, $25M year 2, and $25M year 3.
  • Applicants shall include all of the following in their funding request:
    • A copy of the adopted CIP with the anticipated projects for funding identitied.
    • Documentation that the CIP has been approved by the entity's governing body.
    • A copy of the resolution, ordinance, or other action authorizing the Pro-Fi funding request.
  • The PENNVEST Project Specialist responsible for the application shall designate the project as a Pro-Fi project during the Ranking and Review phase of application consideration.
  • Pro-Fi projects will not be eligible for Letters of No Prejudice.
  • Pro Fi projects will not be eligible for changes to the scope of the project.
  • PENNVEST Project Specialists will label project documents according to phase for ease of identification and processing.
  • PENNVEST will conduct its cost effectiveness analysis for all phases in the funding request prior to approval of a Pro-Fi application.
  • Pro-Fi projects must satisfy all federal application and funding requirements to be considered by the PENNVEST Board.



Subsequent Phases

The PENNVEST Project Specialist will coordinate the review and processing of subsequent phases for a Pro-Fi project and will coordinate the notification of the supporting agencies and PENNVEST staff when subsequent phases are ready for settlement.

To satisfy permitting and environmental approval requirements for subsequent phases of Pro-Fi projects, DEP will complete and upload the DEP Recommendations Form (Appendix B) to the traditional Ranking and Review Documents tab under the DEP review section within the PV Portal.




PENNVEST will report Pro-Fi funding commitments in the appropriate CWSRF and DWSRF annual Intended Use Plan including an individual Pro-Fi’s total assistance amount loan amount.