The Board of Trustees for the Public School Employees’ Retirement System (“PSERS”) is dedicated to ethically serving the members and stakeholders of the System and ensuring that the System and Fund are effectively managed. In doing so, the Board is committed to developing and maintaining a governance structure in accordance with the highest standards of professional responsibility and accountability. To effectuate that objective, the Board has adopted policies that act as a framework in guiding the actions of the Board as it strives to execute its mission to be a partner with our members to fulfill the promise of a secure retirement.
The Board’s adopted policies, which are enclosed in this manual, exemplify good governance by establishing and outlining, among other things, the Board’s leadership and overall function in the administration of the system and management of the Fund, the Board’s duties as fiduciaries to PSERS’ members, the Board’s composition and requirements related to qualifications and training, the Board’s standard of conduct to be in accordance with the highest canons of honesty, integrity, respect, and fairness, and the Board’s responsibility for providing prompt, accurate, and complete communications to PSERS’ members, employees, stakeholders, and the general public of the Commonwealth.
Model Governance Manual Framework/Consolidated Bylaws(opens in a new tab)
This transitional document is an unofficial consolidation of prevailing language from the Statement of Organization, Bylaws, and Other Procedures of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public School Employees' Retirement Board ("Current Bylaws") and the newly adopted PSERS Model Governance Manual Framework (“Governance Framework”) as revised/adopted by Board Resolution 2022-25 (March 15, 2022). This document reflects the Bylaws that are currently in effect.
Quick Links to Committee Charters
- Audit, Compliance, and Risk Committee Charter(opens in a new tab)
- Benefits and Appeals Committee Charter(opens in a new tab)
- Governance and Administration Committee Charter(opens in a new tab)
- Defined Contribution Committee Charter(opens in a new tab)
- Finance and Actuarial Committee Charter(opens in a new tab)
- Health Care Committee Charter(opens in a new tab)
- Investment Committee Charter(opens in a new tab)
Quick Links to Board Policies
- Automation Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Classification and Compensation Plan Policy
- Corporate Governance Focused Thematic Voting Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Deliberation Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Education Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Election Procedures and Guidelines Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Ethics Policy(opens in a new tab)
- External Board Appointment and Attendance at Meetings Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Fraud, Waste and Abuse Reporting and Investigation Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Health Options Program Prescription Drug Plan Code of Conduct(opens in a new tab)
- Health Options Program Eligibility and Enrollment Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Investment Policy Statement, Objectives and Guidelines(opens in a new tab)
- Investment Policy Statement, Objectives and Guidelines of DC Plan(opens in a new tab)
- Investment Transparency Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Oral Argument Policy(opens in a new tab)
- (opens in a new tab)"Pay-to-Play" Rule Compliance and Reporting Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Public Information Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Public Participation and Attendance in Open Meetings Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Referrals of Investment Opportunities and Service Provider Candidates Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Securities Litigation Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Strategic Planning Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Travel Policy(opens in a new tab)
- Withdrawal Liability Collections Policy(opens in a new tab)