Divorce Guidelines and Forms

PSERS retirement benefits may be classified as marital property that can be divided in a divorce.   The following restrictions apply when allocating the PSERS retirement benefit:

  • The total benefits payable to the PSERS member and the former spouse cannot exceed the benefit which would have been payable in the absence of a divorce.
  • Any division of a retirement benefit in a divorce must be accomplished through the terms of an Approved Domestic Relations Order (ADRO).  
  • Distribution of the retirement benefit must remain in compliance with the PSERS Retirement Code.    

PSERS can provide the valuation of the marital property component of the member’s account.   The valuation is different from a retirement estimate.  To request a valuation of the member’s account, PSERS must receive a written request.   The written request must include the date of marriage and the date of legal separation.   The valuation should be requested at least four weeks in advance of when the information is needed. 

More information about divorce matters relating to your retirement benefit is found in the PSERS publication PSERS Divorce Guidelines