Act 235 Applications

If you are seeking your initial certification or renewing your Act 235 certification, more information is outlined below.

Initial Certification

Individuals who are not currently certified and are seeking certification as a Lethal Weapons Agent must apply for Initial Certification.

Individuals with previous law enforcement training will have the option to apply for waivers within the application.

As authorized by Act 23 of 2015, individuals whose certification expired during qualifying military service may be eligible for special consideration and should contact staff for further guidance before creating an application.

Renewing Certification

Certification under Act 235 is typically valid for five years and the expiration date is marked on the certification card.

Individuals who are currently certified are permitted to apply for Certification Renewal once they are within six months of the expiration date of their current certification.

By regulation, certification may not be renewed once it expires and certified individuals who do not apply for renewal prior to expiration will be required to apply for initial certification. 

As authorized by Act 23 of 2015, individuals whose certification expired during qualifying military service may be eligible for special consideration and should contact staff for further guidance before creating an application.

Renewal applications can be submitted no earlier than six months before the expiration date listed on the certification card. Applicants who are approved to attend renewal training have six months to complete renewal training, even if that extends past the expiration date of their current certification. When this occurs, the expired individual is not authorized to work until they complete all renewal activities and receive a new certification card. 

Instructor and School Certification

Visit the Instuctor and School Certification page for more information.