Initial Application for Act 235 Certification

Follow the steps below to apply for your intial Act 235 Certification.

Step 1 - Review Eligibility

All applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Pass a physical examination by a medical doctor
    • Uncorrected vision of at least 20/70 in one eye and 20/200 in the other
    • Corrected vision of at least 20/20 in one eye and 20/40 in the other
    • Must have normal color and depth perception and be free of any other significant visual abnormalities
    • Pass hearing examination (permitted to use hearing aid)
  • Pass a psychological examination administered by a licensed psychologist
  • No conviction of a disqualifying criminal offense as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 6105
    • No conviction of misdemeanor of the first degree or higher
    • No conviction of a crime of violence
    • No active protection from abuse orders
    • No previous involuntary mental health commitments

Step 2 - Apply online through TACS

Applicants who meet the criteria above should use the TACS System to complete an online application.

Use your Keystone Login username and password to login into TACS. If you do not have a Keystone Login username and password, you can create one by selecting either “New User” or “Existing User not mapped to Keystone Login account.” Once you are in the system, select the Home Act 235 button and select the Basic Training Application. Scroll down to select Start Application.

Complete all required information on each screen and submit when you have finished. This will require a credit card payment of $50.00. 


Individuals with previous or current law enforcement certification or training may apply for waivers by answering questions and providing required documents within the application. Substantiating documents must be uploaded in the application. Documents that are mailed or faxed will not be attached to the application. No determinations regarding waivers will be made until the application has been submitted and reviewed by staff.

Step 3 - Fingerprinting

When you submit your application you will receive an automated email from Identigo/Morphotrust with instructions for scheduling your fingerprint session. You must be fingerprinted at one of the approved IdentoGO locations. You will not receive the results of your fingerprints, these will be forwarded directly to the Lethal Weapons Certification Unit for review.

Step 4 -  Physical and psychological examinations

When you submit your application you will also receive a confirmation email from the Lethal Weapons Certification Unit with instructions to download and print the physical examination form, vision examination form, and psychological examination form. You must undergo physical and psychological examinations at your own expense. The physicians must be PA licensed. They must submit completed and signed forms to the Lethal Weapons Certification Unit.


If you do not possess a valid PA driver’s license or are an out-of-state resident you must, in addition to the steps above, submit two (2) passport size photos to the Lethal Weapons Certification Unit at the address below.

PA State Police
Lethal Weapons Certification Unit
8002 Bretz Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17112

Step 5 - Approval or denial

Once the Certification Unit has received your application, fingerprints, physical, and psychological examination, you will receive an approval or denial notification by email. If you receive official notification that you have been approved for training, you should schedule training at an Act 235 certified school. A list of certified schools can be found on the Certified Schools page.  It is your responsibility to schedule the training after receiving the approval letter.

Step 6 - Certification fee

Upon completion of training, login to TACS using your last name, full birthday, and full social security number to submit the $30.00 certification fee by credit card payment. (We no longer accept checks or money orders.)

Fee breakdown

Application Fee - paid on the TACS website$50.00
Fingerprint Fee - paid to MorphoTrust$22.60
Certification Fee - paid on the TACS website$30.00
Total Fees$102.60