Most Likely Emergencies in PA

Extreme Heat

Extreme heat is a period of heat and humidity with temperatures higher than 90 degrees for at least two to three days. 

A girl fans herself with her hands and looks overheated while sitting in front of a large fan.


Among all weather-related hazards, extreme heat is responsible for the most annual deaths. It is dangerous for everyone, and can be especially tough on young children, older adults, and pets.

Stay Safe

A man with a bright sun behind him wears a hat and chugs from a water bottle.
  • Stay indoors as much as possible and limit exposure to the sun.

  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

  • Spend time in air-conditioned places. No air conditioning? Find a cooling center.

  • NEVER leave anyone — pets or people — in a parked car.

  • Take cool showers or baths.

  • Avoid high-energy activities or working outdoors during midday heat, if possible.

  • Watch for heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.

  • Dress in loose-fitting, lightweight, and light-colored clothing.

  • Check on family, friends, and neighbors.

  • Keep pets indoors as much as possible, and provide ample access to water.

  • Monitor local radio and TV for the latest information.​

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Signs of Heat Illness

Heat cramps often are the first signal that your body is having difficulty with the heat.

Heat Cramps

Muscular pains and spasms due to heavy exertion. Although the least severe of heat illnesses, it’s important to take heat cramps seriously because they often are the first signal that your body is having difficulty with the heat.

What to do

  • Get to a cooler location.
  • ​Remove excess clothing.
  • Drink cool sports drinks.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

When to seek medical attention

  • ​If cramps don't subside in an hour.
  • The person has heart problems.
  • The person is on a low-sodium diet.

Heat Exhaustion

Typical when exercising heavily or working in a hot, humid place where bodily fluids are lost through heavy sweating. If not treated, the symptoms will worsen.


  • Heavy sweating
  • Paleness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Tiredness
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Fainting

What to do

  • Move to an air-conditioned place and lie down.
  • Loosen/remove clothing.
  • Get into a cool shower or bath, or apply cool, wet cloths.
  • Sip water or cool sports drinks. Discontinue if nauseated.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

When to seek medical attention

  • You don't see improvement.
  • Person is unable to take fluids​.
  • Vomiting occurs.
  • Any symptoms are severe.

Heat Stroke

A life-threatening condition where a person's temperature control system, which produces sweating to cool the body, stops working. Body temperature can rise so quickly that it can cause brain damage and even death.


  • Body temperature above 103 degrees
  • Hot, dry, red skin
  • Racing heart
  • Rapid breathing
  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Unconsciousness

What to do

  • Call 911 immediately. Delay can be fatal.
  • Move person to a cooler location.
  • Remove excess clothes.
  • Cool with water and ice.
Social Media Friendly

Heat Exhaustion v. Heat Stroke Graphic

View or download the social media graphic to learn more about heat exhaustion and heat stroke. 

Heat exhaustion: Dizziness, fatigue, thirst, heavy sweating. Stop all activity and rest. Move someplace cooler. Drink water. Heat stroke: Headache, rapid breathing, high temperature. What to do: Call 911 right away. Remove excess clothes. Cool with water and ice.