Most Likely Emergencies in PA

Severe Storms

Severe storms can cause flash flooding, lightning, tornadoes, strong winds, and hail. Simple steps can protect us from danger.

Lightning flashes across a purple and blue sky.

Staying Safe

  • Charge up devices beforehand if forecasts are calling for storms.

  • Sign up for emergency alerts to get up-to-date information on warnings and risks in your area.

  • When thunder roars, go indoors.

  • Driving? Turn around, don't drown! Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock you down.

  • Try not to use devices connected to an electrical outlet. Cellphones are safe to use, just don't charge them via electrical outlet.

  • Avoid running water.

  • Watch for fallen power lines and trees and report them.

Lose Power?

  Report outages to your power company

  Stay away from downed lines and report them

  Use flashlights instead of candles to light your home

  Keep fridge/freezer doors closed to protect food

Watch vs. Warning

What's the difference between a watch and a warning? A watch means the conditions are right for severe weather. A warning means severe weather is confirmed and imminent.


An American flag stands tall over a house that has been reduced to rubble.
Tornadoes can form in minutes. It's important to keep alert and pay attention to weather warnings on days where severe weather is in the forecast.

Know the Signs

Signs of a tornado include:

🌪 Rotating funnel cloud
🌫 Approaching cloud of debris
🚉 Roar like a freight train

Sign Up for Alerts

Get emergency alerts straight to your phone and inbox.

During A Tornado

Seek shelter in a sturdy building. 

🏡   In a home: Go to the basement. If there is no basement, get to an interior room with no windows.

🏦   In a high-rise: Get to the lowest floor. Opt for a hallway in the center of the building.

🚌   In a mobile home: Leave for the nearest sturdy building.

🚗   In a car: Drive to the closest shelter.

Not able to make it to shelter? Either get down in your car and cover your head, or abandon your car and seek shelter in a low-lying area, like a ditch or ravine. Don't park or seek shelter under overpasses or bridges.

While sheltering, stay away from windows, doors, and outside walls. Go to the center of the room, staying away from corners because they attract debris.

Social Media Friendly

Where To Go in a Tornado Graphic

View or download the social media graphic to learn more about where to shelter in a tornado.

Hurricanes & Tropical Storms


A large tree lies across the lawn of a blue home.

We may be landlocked in Pennsylvania, but that doesn't mean we aren't affected by hurricanes and tropical storms.

When tropical storms move up the East Coast, we can see extreme winds and heavy rain/flooding.

Gather Supplies

In an emergency, basic services are sometimes lost for an extended period of time. Gather supplies now.

During A Hurricane or Tropical Storm

📢  Stay informed: Pay attention to alerts, and heed instructions from local officials.

🌊  Trapped by flooding? Go to the highest level of the building. Don't climb into a closed attic; you could be trapped by rising flood water. Our responders suggest keeping an ax in the attic just in case.

🚫 Avoid flood water: Don't walk, swim, or drive through flood waters.

🤳  Save phone calls for emergencies: Systems are overwhelmed during and after disasters. Text and use social media to communicate.


After A Hurricane or Tropical Storm

🗣  Listen to instructions from officials. Don't return home until given the go-ahead.

📸  Take pictures of damage before beginning cleanup. This could help with reimbursements.

😷  Be careful during cleanup. Wear protective clothing and don't touch electrical equipment that is wet or in standing water.