Make a SECA Pledge

You can support your favorite SECA charities through flexible giving options, including payroll deductions spread over a year, or a one-time gift by check, money order, or payroll deduction. You can also dedicate your donation to someone special and gain special recognition as a leadership giver.

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How to Donate

Pick Your Charities

Review the SECA Participating Charities Guide to find organizations that align to your beliefs. Whether you are passionate about the aiding those in need, a specific health foundation, or protecting the environment, there is a SECA charity for you!

Pledge Online

Most Commonwealth employees can pledge online by payroll deductions or a one-time gift.

  1.  Access Employee Self Service (ESS).*
  2. Select the "SECA Enrollment" tile.
  3. You can search for charities by name in ESS or use the SECA Participating Charities Guide to browse all participating charities and their eight-digit codes for pledging.
  4. Follow these online pledge instructions to complete your pledge.

*If you are prompted to log in to ESS, it may be necessary to include "CWOPA/" before your username (for example, CWOPA/jsmith).

Pledge by Form

If you are unable or prefer not to use ESS, or want to make a one-time donation by check or money order, please use the printable pledge form and give it to your agency coordinator.

Additional Resources

Dedicated Donations

Leadership Giving

About SECA

Agency SECA Coordinators