The ES&S - EVS was certified by the PA Department of State on September 25, 2018. The certified polling place components are:

  • DS 200 – Precinct Scanner
  • ExpressVote Ballot Marking Device
  • ExpressVote XL Ballot Marking Device

The EAC and the Pennsylvania Department of State certified the ES&S - EVS  6.02.1 voting systems under current federal and state standards. Pennsylvania has developed new standards of security and accessibility that manufacturers must meet to achieve state certification.

ES&S DS 200 – Precinct Scanner

DS200 Complimentary Voter Education

ES&S ExpressVote Ballot Marking Device/Tabulator

ExpressVote Complimentary Voter Education

ExpressVote XL Ballot Marking Device/Tabulator

ExpressVote XL How to Vote