Wayne County Voting System

Welcome to the Wayne County voting system page. This page tells you how to vote in person on Election Day in Wayne County.

Most voters in Wayne County will vote using a hand-marked paper ballot. Some voters will vote using the Clear Ballot Clear Access Ballot Marking Device to mark their ballot. All voters will cast their ballot by inserting it in the ballot box.

If you have questions about voting in Wayne County, contact the county election office. If you have any questions at the polling place on election day, poll workers are there to help you. Poll workers are trained to maintain the secrecy of your ballot.

How to Vote Using a Hand-Marked Paper Ballot:

1. Getting started

People at a voting booth
  • After you check in, a poll worker will hand you a ballot.
  • Take your ballot to a ballot marking station, where you will mark your ballot privately.

2. Make your selections

Person filling out a ballot with a pen
  • Completely fill in the oval next to each of your selections on the ballot.
  • Complete the front and back of all pages of the ballot.

3. Review your selections

Review your selections text
  • Check that you have voted all the contests you want to vote and confirm your selections.
    • You do not have to vote every contest.
  • Check the maximum number of candidates you are allowed to select for each office.
    • Do not select more than the maximum number of candidates for each office. If you select more than the maximum number of candidates, none of your votes for that office will be counted.
    • However, you may select fewer than the maximum number of candidates.
  • If you need to change a selection after you mark the ballot, ask a poll worker for a new ballot.
    • Do not cast the ballot you want to change.
    • Do not try to correct the ballot. Instead, give your spoiled ballot to the poll worker and make your selections again on the new ballot.

4.  Submit your ballot

Ballot being placed inside of a ballot box with a lock
  • Take your completed ballot to the ballot box and insert it into the ballot box.
  • Your ballot is cast once it drops into the ballot box.
  • After the polls close, poll workers will deliver the ballots to the county election office, where they will be scanned and counted.

How to Vote Using the Ballot Marking Device:

1. Getting started

ballot marking device on a table with headphones
  • After you check in, a poll worker will direct you to a voting station and set you up with a ballot marking device.

2. Make your selections

Person making selections on the ballot marking device touchscreen
  • Make your selections by touching the screen.
  • You can use the NEXT and BACK buttons at the bottom of the screen to switch between contests.

3. Review your selections

Person using tactile keys to make selections and reviewing ballot
  • Check that you have voted all the contests you want to vote and confirm your selections.
  • Check the maximum number of candidates you are allowed to select for each office.
    • You may select fewer than the maximum number of candidates.

4. Print your ballot

Print Card button on the ballot marking device
  • If you are satisfied with your selections, touch PRINT CARD to print your ballot.
  • Confirm your selections on the printed ballot.
  • If you want to make a change after the ballot is printed, you will need help from a poll worker to start over.
    • Give your spoiled ballot to the poll worker.

5. Submit your ballot

Ballot being placed inside of a ballot box with a lock
  • Take your printed ballot to the ballot box and insert it into the ballot box.
  • Your ballot is cast once it drops into the ballot box.
  • After the polls close, poll workers will deliver the ballots to the county election office, where they will be scanned and counted. 

Accessible Features

If you have questions about the accessible devices or features, contact the county election office.


The following devices are available to use with the ballot marking device:

  • Easy Access keypad with buttons of different shapes and colors
  • Audio output jack
  • Sip-and-puff device with USB connector

Ask for help from a poll worker to set up the assistive devices you intend to use.


The Clear Access ballot marking device has the following accessible settings. You can access these features by touching the settings button on the screen.

  • Audio - Reads the text of the ballot aloud over headphones.
  • Audio volume - Changes the volume when using headphones.
  • Audio speed - Changes the speed at which the ballot is read when using the screen reader.
  • Magnification - Changes the size of the words on the screen.
  • Color and Contrast - Changes the contrast between the text and the background of the screen.
  • Screen on or off - Makes the screen blank for privacy while the audio is in use.

Instructional Videos

Instructional Video for the Clear Cast scanner:

ClearCast Precinct Tabulator

A recommended screen resolution of 1920x1080 for the best viewing experience.

Instructional Video for the Clear Access ballot marking device:

ClearAccess Accessible Voting

A recommended screen resolution of 1920x1080 for the best viewing experience.

Helpful Links

U.S. EAC Testing Documents for the Clear Ballot ClearVote 2.0

U.S. EAC Testing Documents for the Clear Ballot ClearVote 2.0

PA DOS Certification Document for the ClearBallot ClearVote 2.0

PA DOS Certification Document for the ClearBallot ClearVote 2.0

Clear Ballot Website

Clear Ballot Website

Contact Your Election Officials

Contact Your Election Officials

More about PA's Voting Systems

More about PA's Voting Systems