Board of Pardons

Submit a Clemency Reconsideration Request

If the Board of Pardons denies your application for clemency, there are steps you can take to have your case reviewed again. For the Board to review your application again, you must show a significant change in circumstances or provide other compelling information. 


Dissatisfaction with the Board’s decision is not grounds to request reconsideration. To be reconsidered, you must make a compelling case to the Board.  The application includes space to write about any specific changes that have occurred since your last application was denied. You may provide supporting documentation.

You must also include details about your previous request for clemency, including:

  • The date of your previous hearing
  • The type of hearing when you were rejected (merit review or public hearing)
  • The Board’s vote

Don't qualify for reconsideration? 

If you do not qualify for reconsideration, you can re-apply for clemency. You must wait 12 months from the date of the decision on your previous application to re-apply.

If your application has been denied twice, you must wait 24 months from the last adverse decision to apply again.

Download the reconsideration request form

Reconsideration requests are only accepted by mail. 

Mail your reconsideration request

Your completed reconsideration request form should be mailed to the following address.

Pennsylvania Board of Pardons
333 Market Street
15th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126

Phone number: (717) 787-2596