Apply for a Creative Communities Grant

The Creative Communities Initiative (CCI) provides multi-year funding for place-based, community-driven, arts-based projects that serve as catalysts for social cohesion, livability, and community and economic development. 


Commonly referred to as creative placemaking, the Creative Communities Initiative (CCI) supports projects that are rooted in deep community engagement and authentically engage artists, culture bearers, designers, and community members through conversation, cultivation, and creation activities to address community needs, challenges, and opportunities. 

How to apply

Communities and organizations interested in applying to the CCI should follow these steps:

  • Read the program guidelines in their entirety. 
  • Complete and submit a Letter of Interest (LOI) by the due date.

Note: If a proposed project (submitted via a LOI) is selected for a community visit, the project point of contact will be notified by the PCA.

  • Full applications are submitted only by invitation of the PCA.
    • Funding selection is made through panel review of applications. PCA's governing Council maintains final authority regarding selection of and award for all Creative Communities projects.  

Eligibility requirements

  • Project must be place-based.
  • Required partnership of at least two organizations, one of which will serve as the lead applicant.
  • Lead applicant must be a unit of government, nonprofit (501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) organization.
  • Lead applicant organization must be located in the PA community or county where the project will take place.

Note: This funding opportunity is not designed to support established programs or ongoing operations and is not to be used as an annual source of funds.


Contact Us

Do you have questions about applying to CCI or about a current CCI project?

Sarah Merritt, CCI Program Director