Apply for an Arts in Education Grant

The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts' (PCA) Arts in Education (AIE) division provides financial support for professional artists to help people explore and develop their creativity and artistic skills through artist residencies in a variety of educational, community, and institutional settings.


Arts in Education Residency grants support a teaching artist and a host site (for example a K-12 school, senior center, veterans' home, or medical facility) to provide the opportunity for a professional teaching artist (or artists) to work with small groups of learners on one or more long-term projects over a set period of time. 

How to apply

  • The organization or school that is interested in hosting the artist residency should apply for the grant. 
  • To apply for an Arts in Education (AIE) residency grant, contact the AIE partner organization (PDF) that serves the county where your organization or school is located. 
  • The PCA's AIE partner organizations recruit, select, train, place, and evaluate professional-quality teaching artists for residencies in school and community settings.



Pennsylvania schools, institutions, arts organizations, government agencies, local arts agencies, institutions of higher education and other not-for-profit, tax-exempt organizations with 501(c)(3) status are eligible for AIE funding.

Organizations receiving support through other funding areas of the PCA also are eligible to apply for Arts in Education funding. 


Additional services

AIE partner organizations also provide professional development opportunities in arts in education for artists, community organizations and schools in the counties they serve.

To learn more about what AIE opportunities in your region, contact the AIE partner organization in your county.