Register for Reentry Specialist Training with the Department of Corrections

The DOC's Bureau of Reentry Coordination offers specialized training for individuals who work with formerly incarcerated individuals returning to society.

A neighborhood street with trees and homes

About Reentry Specialist Training

The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Bureau of Reentry Coordination offers two different trainings for individuals who work in the field of reentry.

Offender Workforce Development Specialist Training

The Offender Workforce Development Specialist (OWDS) training is an intensive, 160-hour training that prepares individuals to assist the reentrant population in finding and maintaining employment. OWDS was developed by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), and is offered annually by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections and partner agencies.

OWDS participants complete 80 hours of in-person training; approximately 12 hours of online-based curriculum; and 40-50 hours of practicum assignments; as well as participate in various networking and other self-study opportunities. Successful completion of the program can result in a certification as a Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF).

Reentry Employment Specialist Training

In addition to OWDS training, the Reentry Employment Specialist (RES) training is offered several times annually throughout the state. Also developed by NIC, this 16-hour training focuses on how to improve employment outcomes for persons with criminal histories through strategies that include collaboration, assessment, job readiness, and job development.

RES is designed for those who work with justice-involved individuals in securing and retaining employment. It specifically targets those who work in prisons, jails, probation, parole, career resource centers, government agencies and faith-based and community organizations.

The curriculum is designed to improve employment outcomes for persons with criminal histories through strategies of enhanced collaboration, employment assessments, and job development.

The registration is free for this event. Participants must attend both days to receive certificate of completion. Participants will receive the RES Manual and other resources at no cost to the participant.

There currently are not any trainings scheduled. If you would like to be notified of upcoming trainings, please enter your information in the RES waitlist.

Learn More About Reentry Training

Reach out to the Bureau of Reentry Coordination if you'd like more information about OWDS or RES classes.