Apply for School-to-Work Transition Services for Students with Disabilities

Apply for OVR services by contacting the OVR District Office that serves your county or via the PA CareerLink’s Job Seeker Registration Page.

Transition from School to Work OVR Programs and Services

Students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) under IDEA; a Section 504 Plan under the Rehabilitation Act; received specialized services in school including Drug and Alcohol and/or Mental Health; or consider themselves a person with a disability may be referred for School-to-Work Transition Services.

Students who are blind or visually impaired can be referred to the Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services at any time. Referrals for all students can be made by anyone, including students, family members, or school/agency personnel.

Parent/guardian permission is needed for students under 18 to engage with OVR services.

Eligibility and Determinations

Pre-employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) are introductory services that help a student with a disability learn about themselves, practice work skills, explore training options, and choose jobs. Students with disabilities can begin to receive Pre-ETS as early as age 14 if they qualify as potentially eligible.


Students who are thinking about the following may want to consider applying for School-to-Work Transition Services:

  • Getting a job in their community after hey finish school, getting services through a waiver
  • Use sign language or speech-to-text tools for schoolwork
  • Need extra help figuring out what job is best for them
  • Need extra support, like a job coach to get or keep a job
  • Graduating high school soon and thinking about attending college or training after high school

Only an OVR Counselor, who has special training and experience, can determine if a student is eligible for vocational rehabilitation.

Existing records (medical, school, psychological, vocational, etc.), staff observations, IEPs, information about the student’s interests and abilities, photo ID copies, family input, and student self-evaluation will help the OVR Counselor make a timelyn eligibility determination. Eligibility for VR services should be determined within 60 days of application.

This information can be submitted at the time of referral or application with a signed Release of Information.

OVR Employment Planning Application and Initial Interview

An OVR Counselor will schedule an appointment with the student to complete an application for VR services. They will discuss the student's disability, medical history, and educational and employment background. School records will be needed, including documentation of the disability, current IEP, vocational assessments, and information about the student's interests and abilities. This information can be submitted at the time of referral with a signed Release of Information.

Apply for Services

To apply for OVR services, please contact the OVR District Office that serves your county or apply for services online via the PA CareerLink's Job Seeker Registration Page.

PA CareerLink Job Seeker Registration Page

PA CareerLink Job Seeker Registration Page

PA Secondary Transition Website

PA Secondary Transition Website

Contact OVR

OVR is here to support your rehabilitation journey. Please ask questions or provide feedback.
Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation
651 Boas Street, 7th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17121

Vocational Rehabilitation Services  |

CTI at HGAC  | (request information/transcripts) and (tours)

ASL Interpreter Services  |

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services  |   ODHH -; OVR -

Blindness & Visual Services  |