Apply to Install a Boiler

Business owners and contractors who want to install a boiler or unfired pressure vessel (UPV) unit must submit a fully complete copy of the application form for each unit involved. 

Application Requirements

If boilers are constructed to American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) code and meet code clearance requirements, the following steps must be completed before L&I's Boiler Division can approve your application.

  • Ensure each unit meets the code clearance requirements
    • Minimum of 30” in front, at rear and on both sides, and 72” overhead
  • Fill out the "Intent to Install Boiler" form
  • Submit payment via check or money order made payable to "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania."

Permit to Move Boiler

If the boiler will be moved, a copy of the "Permit to Move Boiler" permit must be submitted, in addition to the form mentioned above.

If the unit is new and manufactured to ASME code, a copy of the Manufacturer's Data Report must be submitted, in addition to the forms mentioned above.

Intent to Install Boiler

If approved, L&I's Boiler Division will provide a copy of the "Intent to Install Boiler" form with permission to install the unit. It will also include the inspector's contact information assigned to your application.

Once an inspector has completed an inspection report, the Boiler Division will issue a Certificate of Operation, which is to be placed in a visible location within the boiler room.

Contact L&I's BOIS Boiler Division

Complete petition submission packages and accident reports should be mailed to: PA Department of Labor & Industry Boiler Division 651 Boas Street, Room 1606, Harrisburg, PA 17121

By phone

If you have questions you can call the Boiler Division

Call the Boiler Division


You can fax questions or accident notification to the Boiler Division. 

Send a fax to the Boiler Division.

By email

You can email questions to the Boiler Division

Email the Boiler Division