File a Shared-Work Application

The Shared-Work program allows employers to avoid layoffs by dividing work hours among employees who will be supplemented by Unemployment Compensation.

About Shared-Work

L&I's Shared-Work Program allows you to avoid layoffs, retain your workforce, and protect your employees' financial well-being.

With the Shared-Work program, an employer divides the available work hours equally among an employee unit rather than laying off any employees. Employees covered by a Shared-Work plan receive Unemployment Compensation (UC) benefits while they work a reduced schedule.

Shared-Work allows you, the employer, to temporarily reduce employee hours and then quickly ramp up operations without the expense of recruiting, hiring, and training new employees. At the same time, Shared-Work helps to protect your employees from the financial hardship of a full layoff.


Both the employer and the employee must be eligible.

Employer requirements:

  • The employer has filed all quarterly UC tax reports and other reports required under the PA UC Law.
  • The employer has paid all contributions, reimbursements, interest, and penalties due through the date of the employer’s application.
  • If the employer is contributory, the employer’s reserve account balance must be a positive number.
  • The employer has paid wages for the 12 completed, consecutive calendar quarters preceding the date of the employer’s application.
  • The employer must certify that it will continue to provide health and retirement benefits under the same terms and conditions to participating employees.

Once approved, employers must agree not to:

  • Hire new employees in--or transfer employees to—the affected unit.
  • OR lay off participating employees or reduce their hours of work by more than the reduction percentage.

For employees to participate:

  • The employee has been employed in the affected unit for at least three months.
  • The employee financially eligible for UC benefits.
  • The employee works less than 40 hours a week under the approved percentage reduction.
  • At the employer’s direction, the employee must successfully file an initial UC application or reopen an existing claim.

Before You Apply

Prior to applying online, you'll want to have the following:
  • Identify work unit(s) that will have a uniform reduction of hours.
  • Determine the reduction percentage that each unit will work each week.
  • Prepare a list of all employees in each affected work unit, their normal work hours and their work hours under the reduction percentage.
  • Work with any collective-bargaining units that represent affected employees to secure their written approval of the plan.
  • Identify any weeks where any unit will be offered fewer hours than the reduction percentage due to a holiday or other scheduled event.
  • Choose the Sunday start date that hours will be reduced (at least one week after the date that you submit your plan application) and an estimated Saturday for the work reduction to end.

Frequently Asked Questions

For questions about employers, employees, or Shared-Work bargaining units, visit L&I's Shared-Work page.

Contact Us

Our Employer Service Center Line provides help on using the UC System, general UC-related questions, or about the Shared-Work program.

UC Service Center: 833-728-2367