File a Weekly Unemployment Compensation Certification

After you have filed your initial application for benefits or reopened an existing application, you must file a certification for each week in which you are totally or partially unemployed. You can also call us at (888) 255-4728.


In most cases, you will file certifications each week. For Unemployment Compensation purposes, a week begins on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday. 

A weekly certification certifies your eligibility for each week separately. (For example, you may be on vacation and not available to work one week, but available the next week.)

After filing your initial application for Unemployment Compensation (UC) benefits, you will receive a Claims Confirmation letter, which will provide:

  • The date you will file your first weekly claim -- typically the second Sunday after completing your initial application for benefits.

How to File a Weekly Certification

Weekly filing can be done using the following methods:

Online: The best way to file your weekly certification is online seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Here is a user guide which provides information and instructions for certifying weeks online with earnings.

Phone: Use the automated PA Teleclaims (PAT) system by calling 888-255-4728, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Videophone: For individuals who use American Sign Language (ASL), videophone service is available every Wednesday from noon to 4 p.m. at 717-704-8474.

TTY: You can file your weekly certifications 24/6 (Sunday through Friday). Here's a simplified guide:

  • Review instructions and eligibility questions. Prepare your answers.
  • Connect to UC Service Center: Dial TTY (888) 334-4046. After the UC office greeting, type the question number and its answer. Keep going until all questions are answered, then end the call.
  • Relay Service Contact: If more info is needed, you'll be contacted through relay service.

Unemployment Compensation FAQs

For more information about UC benefits, UC Tax Services, claims information, and more.

PAT Information

Pennsylvania Teleclaims (PAT) is the department's telephone claim filing system. The toll-free number is 888-255-4728.

If you have access to a touch-tone or pay touch-tone telephone, or a touch/pulse switchable telephone, call PAT to file your claim for UC benefits. You do not need to have a touch-tone service to use PAT. All that is necessary is a push-button telephone with a TONE/PULSE switch. After PAT answers your call, be sure to set the switch to "TONE."

If you need the help of an interpreter, please contact the UC Service Center.

As a result, claims filed using PAT may require UC Customer Service Center staff review and may not be paid automatically.

PAT services are available Sunday through Saturday 24 hours a day.

*PAT is available on all holidays.

If you get a busy signal, please try again.

PAT will begin by asking if your address has changed and if you want to file for the week specified. In addition, PAT will ask you questions regarding any work performed, if any holiday pay or vacation pay was designated for that week and if you were able and available for work. You will answer each question by pressing "1" for "yes" and "2" for "no" on your telephone keypad.

View a list of the PAT questions.

PAT will inform you that your claim has been accepted or that your answers have been saved. If you meet all eligibility requirements, your claim will be processed immediately.

You will need the following when calling PAT to file a claim for benefits:

  • access to a touch-tone telephone or a push-button telephone with a tone-pulse switch;
  • your Social Security number;
  • your PIN (personal identification number);
  • a pen and paper to note important information.

How Your Personal Identification Number (PIN) Works: You must use your PIN to claim UC benefits through PAT. Your PIN and Social Security Number identify you when you call. Your PIN protects you from another person trying to claim your benefits or someone else obtaining information about your claim. Your PIN has the same legal authority as your signature. Do NOT give your PIN to anyone. Do not lose the document containing your PIN.

Important: If you think someone else knows your PIN,  or if you have forgotten your PIN, call the UC Service Center to request a new PIN be mailed to you.

Pennsylvania Teleclaims (PAT) is an automated self-service system used by persons with access to a touch-tone telephone to file weekly UC claims, access specific benefit payment information, or learn about the commonwealth's UC program, without the intervention of an agent.

PAT Telephone Numbers
PAT Toll free 888-255-4728
Español - PAT 877-888-8104

TTY Information

The UC service center may be reached through TTY to answer general questions or request information. When you connect to the UC service center (888) 334-4046 please provide your name, social security and request or question. If a representative is not immediately available your call will be returned by relay service during normal service center business hours.

Filing Weekly Certifications by TTY

You may file your weekly certifications using TTY service 24 hours a day, 6 days a week (Sunday through Friday). First, you must obtain the TTY weekly filing instructions and eligibility questions. The required forms can be downloaded (see below), or obtained by contacting the UC service center or local PA CareerLink® office. After you obtain the weekly questions, it is recommended that you review the questions ahead of time and record the answers on paper before transmitting answers through TTY. By preparing the answers in advance, there will be an increase in accuracy and fewer mistakes that could delay benefit payment. Also, the time making the TTY call will be substantially reduced.

After you have prepared your answers, connect to the UC service center through TTY (888) 334-4046. Once the UC office greeting has been completed, you must type the number of the question and its answer. There is no need to type in the question itself. Continue until all questions have been answered, then disconnect the call. You will be contacted through relay service if we need additional information or have questions about your responses.

Please download and review both of these forms:

UC-810(I) TTY Biweekly Filing Instructions and Sample
UC-810 TTY Biweekly Filing Questions

Videophone Service*

For individuals who use American Sign Language (ASL) videophone service is available every Wednesday from noon to 4 p.m. at 717-704-8474.

*Sign language is the ONLY means of communication provided through the Videophone

Contact Us

By phone

UC staff are available Monday-Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Call us at 888-313-7284.

Call us 

By email

You can contact us by email anytime at

Email us

By Live Chat 

You can chat online with UC representatives on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

Chat with a UC Rep

Accessibility Contact Options

For American Sign Language (ASL) applicants, videophone service is available every Wednesday from noon to 4 p.m. and Fridays from noon to 4 p.m. Call 717-704-8474. For individuals with hearing or speech difficulties, use a TTY device to text 888-334-4046.

Contact us by videophone 

By text

Claimants can text the UC team using a TTY device at 888-334-4046.

Text us using a TTY Device