Find Jobs with PA CareerLink®

PA CareerLink® is a resource specifically designed to help job seekers search and apply for jobs.

Personalized career and business resources

Through PA CareerLink®, you can search and apply for job openings across the Commonwealth or in your local area.

PA CareerLink® can help you find:

  • Veteran services
  • Trade services
  • Human services
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act services)
  • Vocational Rehabilitation services

To get started, sign in or register for an account.

Job support services include:

  • Resume building and submitting workshops
  • Mock interview simulation
  • Job search and training assistance
  • Adult education classes and workshops
  • Career fairs
  • Job referral services

Are you searching for a job?

Which best describes you? PA CareerLink® offers a free job-matching system and support services for the following individuals:


Contact your local PA CareerLink® office

Find your local office

Use the interactive map to locate, and contact, your local PA CareerLink office.

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