Notify the Department of Labor & Industry of an Unemployment Compensation Claimant's Refusal of Suitable Work

Has your business offered a job to an applicant who is receiving Unemployment Compensation benefits, and the applicant refused the offer? Please let the Department of Labor & Industry know.


Reporting a job applicant's refusal of work to L&I makes you an active partner in helping to maintain the integrity of the Unemployment Compensation (UC) system.

Pennsylvania's Unemployment Compensation Law disqualifies claimants from eligibility for benefits if a claimant–without good cause–refuses to accept suitable work.

To enforce this part of the law, L&I depends on employers to notify the Department when an Unemployment Compensation claimant declines a job.

Within seven days, please complete this questionnaire and email it to L&I at

Notify L&I of a UC Claimants Refusal of Suitable Work

After you notify L&I, here's what happens next.

We will not stop an individual’s Unemployment Compensation payments automatically based on your report. All individuals are afforded due process before any conclusions are made and their benefits are affected.

Your report becomes a responsibility for L&I to adjudicate if the individual has an unemployment claim, which includes a fact-finding process and an official determination. The Department will determine whether the work that was offered was suitable–and, if so, whether the claimant had good cause to refuse the offer.

If your report results in a denial of benefits, the claimant will be considered overpaid for all benefits beginning with the calendar week in which they refused the work. They may be required to repay those benefits.

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