Request Rapid Response Services and Employment Support for Natural Disasters, Economic Hardships, or Business Closures

L&I’s Rapid Response team provides strategic planning services to support employers facing an economic transition or hardship. Rapid Response also helps workers who have been recently laid off find employment in their communities as soon as possible.

Services are free and available by request.

About Rapid Response Services

Rapid Response Services are available to all employers and their workers any time, day or night.

Rapid Response Services are state and federally funded benefits free to employers and workers through the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN).

For businesses

L&I’s Rapid Response team provides a customizable approach to specific business needs as challenges occur. Employers can expect confidentiality concerning their business decisions and a quick response to their transition planning needs.

Rapid Response can help businesses at risk of closing to stay in business or to reduce the size of a layoff.

In the event of a closure or layoff, Rapid Response services include:

• Assistance conducting an orderly shutdown

• Information about government regulations and services

• Pre-layoff outplacement services that help workers shorten their transition time.

• Collaboration with local economic development organizations

• Assistance with the re-employment of dislocated workers

For workers

The Rapid Response team can meet with workers in their community to provide information about services before a layoff or closure occurs, including information on:

• Unemployment Compensation

• Health and pension benefits

• Job search activities and career counseling

• Education services

• Training programs

• Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)

• Social services programs

• Community and economic development activities

• Emergency assistance

• Crisis counseling

Contact Rapid Response

L&I invites business owners experiencing economic challenges to contact the Department for Rapid Response assistance by emailing or calling 866-858-2753. Workers can find additional support through the PA CareerLink® network.

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