About Rapid Response Services
PA Rapid Response Services offers virtual information sessions that bring a team of experts together to explain what services are available to assist you and answer any questions. Some topics that may be discussed include:
For businesses
Rapid Response can help businesses at risk of closing to stay in business or to reduce the size of a layoff. In the event of a closure or layoff, Rapid Response services include:
- Assistance conducting an orderly shutdown
- Information about government regulations and services
- Pre-layoff outplacement services that help workers shorten their transition time.
- Collaboration with local economic development organizations
- Assistance with the re-employment of dislocated workers
For workers
The Rapid Response team can meet with workers in their community to provide information about services before a layoff or closure occurs, including information on:
- Unemployment Compensation
- Health and pension benefits
- Job search activities and career counseling
- Education services
- Training Programs
- Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
- Social Services programs
- Community and economic development activities
- Emergency assistance
- Crisis counseling
Resources for Federal Employees
Unemployment Benefits for Federal Civilian Employees (UCFE)
U.S. DOL Rapid Response Services
File for Unemployment Compensation Benefits You may get Federal Civilian Employees' Unemployment benefits under federal law if you were a former federal civilian employee and your last official duty station was in Pennsylvania, you are a resident of Pennsylvania and your last official duty station was outside of the U.S.; or you were employed in Pennsylvania after separation from your federal employer.
Find Jobs with PA CareerLink This resource is specifically designed to help job seekers search and apply for jobs, while also matching employers with qualified, local candidates. Job support services are free, all in one place, and include resume workshops, mock interview simulation, job search and training assistance, adult education classes and workshops, career fairs, Job Market Data, and more.