Submit Special Waiver Request for Entertainment Performances

Employers must submit a special waiver request if a person under age 18 plans to participate in a performance where they are models or renders artistic creative expression in a live performance.


This includes radio, television, movie, Internet, publication, documentary, reality programming, or other broadcast medium that is transmitted to an audience.

Submit Special Waiver Request for Entertainment Performances

The Pennsylvania Child Labor Act, administered by the Bureau of Labor Law Compliance (BLLC), safeguards minors' well-being and rights in the workplace by placing restrictions on their employment in certain places and jobs, limiting work hours, regulating work conditions, and mandating work permits for child employees. Special protections are provided under state law for children employed as performers.

The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which governs child labor nationally, also applies in Pennsylvania, with the stricter standard prevailing in cases of overlap.

Employers of child performers must obtain entertainment permits from BLLC for each child performer, ensuring compliance with the law.

For questions about the Child Labor Act or employment of minors in Pennsylvania, visit L&I's Child Labor Act page.

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